We are delighted to have the following esteemed speakers accept our invitation to headline this year's conference.


YUKIO TONOKeynote SpeakerTokyo University of Foreign StudiesJapan
EE LING LOWPlenary SpeakerNational Institute of Education Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore
ROBERT FUCHSPlenary SpeakerUniversity of BonnBonn, Germany

Invited Papers

VINCENT B.Y. OOINational University of SingaporeSingapore
RACHEL ROXASUniversity of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines

Round Table Discussion

Chu-ren HuangHong Kong PolyU HK, SAR China
Jong-Bok KimKyung Hee University Seoul, South Korea
Yasunari HaradaWaseda University Tokyo, Japan
TMH NguyenVietnam National Univ Hanoi, Vietnam
Shirley DitaDe La Salle University Manila, Philippines