Launch Event

The OAR was officially launched in Wendover Woods on 18 May 2013 by Dan Sullivan, Chairman of Aylesbury & District Ramblers. Many members enjoyed a barbecue, drinks and some cake. They were pleased to be joined by some of the project's sponsors and Kevin Edwards from Ramblers' HQ along with his family.

Dan paid tribute to the founder and the hard working project team (pictured below) of Lindsay Smith, Maurice Crump, Roy Johnson, Stephen O'Shea, and Peter Robinson.

In addition Dan thanked the over 40 volunteers who " delivered brochures, raised money and in all weathers checked and marked paths on all 14 sections of the route".

Treasurer Stephen O'Shea paid tribute to Sponsors, Supporters and Aylesbury Ramblers and their friends saying "their generosity resulted in raising over £10,000 to pay for the work and print over a ton of free leaflets so that everyone can find their perfect walk".

Project Leader Roy Johnson admitted all the hard work was his fault as he had come up with the idea of an outer ring in July 2011. However Roy encourages everyone to use our footpaths “it is footfall that keeps our paths open”. Even the weather was kind on the launch day with no rain, and the sun even made an appearance as Roy led the inaugural walk along a short section of the OAR.

More pictures from the opening are available here and some more informal photos around the event here.