
The "original" Aylesbury Ring was developed in the 1980s. Click here for a history of the original Aylesbury Ring. In 2011, Roy Johnson (Footpath & Countryside Secretary of Aylesbury & District Ramblers) came up with the concept of an "outer" ring and carried out the majority of the work to define the route and many associated interesting local circular walks (varying between 4 and 13 miles) that can be walked in isolation or as stages in a complete walk of the ring.

A sub-committee was formed, fund raising undertaken (over £10k was raised thanks to the generosity of many local sponsors), relevant organisations contacted, waymarkers purchased, walk guides were prepared, the route waymarked and paths cleared.

We are grateful for the support of many volunteers and sponsors, without whom this support the project would not have succeeded. Please click here to see a list of our wonderful supporters.

For more background information on the development of the OAR please click on the links below.