Lessons Learned


I learned the importance of conducting evaluations from users and peers. It is very important to gain insight on your project from other people with fresh perspectives. Without their constructive criticism and suggestions, Let's Go wouldn't have been what it came out to be. I also learned the importance of having a solid work flow and importance of putting a lot of effort into projects. My design and work style has definitely progressed drastically throughout the course of this semester. Constantly improving and changing is the best practice in UX design.


I think one of the biggest things I gained out of this group project was the importance of communication and being on the same page with the rest of your group. This was a little easier for us since it was only two people in our group but we did have our own mishaps here and there. I think another important aspect of a group project is accepting the feedback of other people, when someone is looking at their own work for so long it's hard to find the flaws in it. It is important to get an outside perspective in on it every now and then, I think one of the most beneficial things for our group were the peer evaluations. Our application improved significantly after getting the feedback of our peers. I think one of the important things I got out of this project is being able to budget time effectively for tasks and being able to tell how long it will take to complete a certain task. I think it was an issue in the beginning we were under budgeting for time and this led to us being rushed and submitting work of poor quality. Being able to effectively budget for how long at task will take is important to ensuring the group is able to meet deadlines and submit high quality work.