
Occasionally various groups in Carnoustie need additional volunteers to help run larger events. Examples of this would include helping the Gala Committee with the Gala and Torchlight Parade, the Community Council with setting up the Christmas Lights or with the lights switch on and fayre.

Many groups now rely on volunteers to help ensure events run as smoothly as possible. More and more volunteers are needed because of the changes in rules defined by organisations such as Angus Council and Police Scotland. Without volunteers many events that you may have attended with your families in the past may not happen in the future. This is why OurCarnoustie has decided to put together a list of volunteers who could gift their time to support the community.

For further information and to add your name to this list please visit the form here - http://eepurl.com/dOaR7T

Adding your name to this list does in no way mean that you are committing yourself to having to help. It just gives us, OurCarnoustie, the ability to send you an email on behalf of a larger group asking if you would be available to help. We'd also be able to provide information on what help is required so you can decide if you can or cannot offer your time on a voluntary bases. The intention is not to give groups access to this list but to contact you on behalf or the organisation needing help.

Many thanks
