OurCarnoustie is committed to the following when posting:
- Accuracy: Content will be presented with facts that have been researched to the best of our ability and we are committed to updating and editing false information as we become aware of it.
- Honesty: Opinions will be presented to the best of our ability as truthful and our own.
- Integrity: We support Intellectual Property rights and we strive to cite sources and credit inspiration. We will not display the work of others without permission and will provide links as appropriate.
- Respect: We believe in treating others the way we want to be treated, with respect. We are open and welcoming to disagreement in an appropriate way, attacking ideas and not the persons behind them.
What we ask of you:
- Please keep discussions on topic. That is, thread-related.
- No swearing or foul language. Please keep in mind that we have readers of all ages, this is not the pub on a Friday night.
- No personal attacks or name-calling. Please keep conversations cordial. We understand that there will be differences of opinion. Please don't let those differences turn ugly.
- Accept that others might not have your same point of view, and don't sink to personal attacks, flaming, taunting and general disrespect. Nothing is gained by doing so.
- We will not tolerate. racist, sexist, homophobic or other hate-speech or anything that could be interpreted as such.
- No inappropriate images or videos. If you choose to post photos or links to videos, please keep them Carnoustie-related and use your best judgment.
- No advertising. Our pages should not be used as an advertising medium for companies who want to promote their business or products, or by individuals who want to promote their items for sale. There are other sites for this. Our users are the drivers behind this policy. They don't want the useful information in our page watered down with posts that are nothing more than advertisements. Businesses will only be promoted where they appear in local news or are recommended by other users.
- Spam - If you spam our page we will delete it and may ban persistent spammers. Spam detracts from the messages we, and others who use the page, are trying to communicate and can spoil other peoples' experiences of using our page.
- Defamation. Please don't post anything that may cause legal problems. This includes, amongst other things, posts that may be defamatory or material that may be in breach of a third party's copyright or invasive of another's privacy.
- Photographs and other material published by OurCarnousite is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/deed.en_GB). If you use our photographs or material we expect you to credit us as the source.
Facebook is a place for OurCarnoustie fans to engage. OurCarnoustie welcomes differing opinions but not to the detriment or disturbance of the OurCarnoustie Facebook community, individual members or Carnoustie's image to the wider world. It would not be in the spirit of OurCarnoustie, Facebook or social media in general to prevent fans from interacting within this community. However, if/when conversation does degenerate or we see behavior which is threatening to the OurCarnoustie Facebook community, individuals within it or Carnoustie in general, in accordance with Facebook's Terms of Service and our guidelines, we will delete comments (hint: when in doubt, keep the profanity out!).
If an individual's disruptive behavior persists, then we reserve the right to block that user from participating.
If you see anything posted on the page by a user of the page which you believe to be in breach of our guidelines you may report it by sending an email to ourcarnoustie@gmail.com or messaging us via the page. We cannot guarantee that any action will be taken as a result of your contact.