Dr. Ruben Hünig

From Lab to Fab : Bio-inspired coatings for solar modules 

 Dr. Ruben Hünig is co-founder and CEO of a known KIT spin-off Phytonics GmbH. He studied Physics at KIT and later got his PhD from Light Technology Institute (LTI),KIT for his work on light management in solar cell (which also laid basis for his startup Phytonics tech.)

Phytonics, a KIT spin-off founded in 2021, offers a bionic anti-reflective coating for solar modules to increase the power output and make them glare-free. Currently, there are ~ 12 People working at Phytonics.

In his talk, Dr. Ruben Hünig will take through the history of Phytonics coating : from the first Idea, over experiments, papers, prototypes, failures to a market ready Product.