Wheel Structure Comparisons and Elements 

20 spokes- The Orontes River Waterwheel,Syria

Depending on the available materiality in a given environment, waterwheels can take on a variety of forms. While some native peoples construct their waterwheels from reeds, others employ wooden beams and paddles. Waterwheels' versatility represents an indicator of originality and resourcefulness, as natives have always developed novel methods to maximize their environmental benefits while reducing their adverse effects.

The dynamic dialogue between the wheels and their Landscapes persists into their materiality. Local poplar (plantations surrounding the Orontes go for around 15 meters long, appropriate for creating spokes of large-scaled wheels) and mulberry, which are accessible throughout the Orontes Basin and are ideal for the wheel's load-bearing axle, are used in the Waterwheels of the Orontes River .