
How does architecture counter and resemble its evident site and purpose of geographic place? What does it imply for architects to determine our experiences of cultural memory? Is it permissible for architecture to engage in local dialogue to showcase cultural locality as social networks encourage the erasure of borders?

Water can be found in nature in many different shapes and forms that provide fascinating visual difference and tactile contrast within the natural landscape, through which they arouse connections that feed our meditative and creative spirit. Water inspires the formation of the constructed world much as it does in the natural landscape. Today, it's harder to see how the two things are related. 

Cultural significance of water has always existed. For navigation, irrigation and flood prevention, mankind have altered watercourses throughout the course of time. People's interactions with rivers and other bodies of water have influenced cultures in turn. The pursuit of river watercourses as a component of the cultural and social fabric as well as an element that forms the overall scenery has been sparked by this dialectic exchange between humankind and the natural environment.  

In this segment, We are going to discuss River Culture through several pillars.

“Our setting is simple. Land and water. A river's edge, or, perhaps, a riverfront, -a waterfront. The audience is complex. Flowing streets, towering buildings, unfiltered smoke, unmuffled noise.'

Several infamous literary and visual artistic works make reference to the Orontes River. We are going to discuss several artistic creations in Art.

Water has long been revered as having essential significance in many folklores around the levant .As a result, Peoplekind has always compared themselves to various natural elements and has also alluded to water in terms of human conduct. Water completes and brings humans into its own existence. 

In 'Myths and Narratives'  We are going to discuss the impact of Levantine Folklore on the collective consciousness of its dwellers.

Spatial Practices

A wide range of societal views, values, and lifestyles are supported and fostered by the Orontes River's practices and behaviors, which in turn link people, places, and other forms of life. Environmental flow theory provides a framework for better understanding the interactions between water flows and people and for promoting those that are mutually beneficial.. 

Rivers are a component of a broader landscape; they are veins that carry water, silt, and timber, as well as being a route.

Hence, the issue is, how does humankind contribute to the development of the cultural and social elements that simultaneously create our perception of landscapes. 

In this section, we will cover the manner in which river culture is molded through spatial practices and behaviors.