
Courses taught at Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Selected) 


Introductory courses

Introduction to Egyptian Culture.

Introduction to Egyptian Art.

Introduction to Egyptian Literature.

Introduction to Egyptian religion.

Introduction to Ancient Egyptian World Classification.

Interconnections in the Ancient Near East (Egypt & Canaan).

Writing in Pictures–The Egyptian Experience with Some Modern Parallels such as advertising.

The Miniature Theatre of the Ancient Near East – Scarabs from Canaan and Egypt.

Language courses

Classical Egyptian for beginners.

Classical Egyptian for advanced students.

Late Egyptian for beginners.

Late Egyptian for advanced students.

Readings in Old Egyptian – Biographies, letters.

Readings in the Coffin Texts.


Egyptian literary texts and their cultural context (in translation).

Historical texts - the state production. (in translation)

In the search of the individual - private letters from Ancient Egypt. (in translation)

Subversive voices in literary texts.

The semiotics of the hieroglyphs.

Egyptian painting in the 18th dynasty.

Genre scenes in Egyptian Art.

Middle-Bronze Age scarabs – Egyptian and Canaanites deities.

Classifiers in the world languages. 

Semiotics of Script systems. 



What is Late Egyptian made of? Language registers in Late Egyptian.

Readings in administrative texts of the New Kingdom.

Literature in the Ramesside period – readings.

Intertextuality in Ramesside Literature.

School texts in the Ramesside Period.

Grammatical forms in the Coffin Texts.

Reading in Classical Egyptian stories and poems.

New Aspects of the Polotskian Theory.

"After Polotsky" – main trends in post Polotskian grammar.

The Temple of Hathor in Serabit el-Hadim, paleographical studies.

Reading in hieratic texts: Middle Kingdom - New Kingdom.

Harpers and mourners in the New Kingdom.

Personal Piety texts from the New Kingdom.

Introduction to the general theory of classification.

Crocodiles, baskets and hugs: what gets classified in Ancient Egyptian? – New Results.

Teaching in other institutions

Courses in Seminar für Agyptologie, Göttingen University

Readings in the Polotskian theory

Undergraduate Course at Harvard University.  2005. 

Lovers, prophets and giraffes: world classification in Ancient Egypt 

Lecture series at Collège de France, Paris. January-February. 2007. 

Invited lecture series “quatre leçons”. L´archéologie de la pensée égyptienne: Classification et categories des Anciens Egyptiens

Collegium de Lyon c/o ENS Lettres et sciences humaines. 2012.



Block Seminar, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.  February 2015.  

Prototype Theory and Egyptian Hieroglyphs (an introduction)



Graduate students

Master's degree students:

Doctoral degree students:

Published as a book: Racheli Shalomi-Hen. 2006. The Writing of Gods: The Evolution of Divine Classifiers in the Old Kingdom. Göttinger Orientforschungen. IV.
Reihe: Ägypten ; Bd. 38. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2006.  198 pp.

Published as a book: Arlette David. 2006. Syntactic and Lexico-Semantic Aspects of the Legal Register in Ramesside Royal Decrees. GOF IV.
Reihe Ägypten 38. Classification and Categorization in Ancient Egypt 5. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 312 pp.

o 2017-2022 Haleli Harel, "A Network of Lexical Borrowings from Semitic in Egyptian Texts of the New Kingdom: Organizing Knowledge according to the Classifier System."

o 10/2019- Yanru Xu, Comparative study of classifiers in ancient Chinese and Egyptian scripts. Joint supervision with prof. Yongsheng Chen and Prof. Zev Handel.

o 10/2020- Susana Soler- Classifiers in literary texts of the Middle Kingdom.  Joint supervision. 

Post-doctoral students: