Further research

A bit of thought :- 

How did paper-folding come about?

Which were the oldest paper models?

Where and when were paper folding started?

Who passed the folding skill from one place to another?

Is there any research about so called "Traditional Models"?

 In case you wish to look any further  : -

Collections at Origami USA, 15 West 77th Street, NY 10024 - 5192 New York.

Mingei International Museum in San Diego, USA --- with collection of 600 origami books, newsletters and other material relating to origami

1950 -   Stanford University, California, USA --- Father Francis McNaul's collection in the East Asian Collection in the Hoover Institution. --- 

This collection provides a resource to research origami in the 1950s and 1960s

1996 -   Museum of Chinese Art in Manhattan, USA --- with the exhibition "Fly to Freedom " in 1996

1998   -  A Bibliography of Origami in Education and Therapy  -  by John S.Smith 

2000 -  Poland origami exhibition --- in the Center of Japanese Art & Technology, National Museum in Krakow, 14 to 26 October 2000

Lists by David Lister   ( 1930 - 2013 )   -  British Origami Society        

Germany National Museum in Nuremburg, Germany --- with collection of paper soldiers in the children's section.

AD 910  -  World's first paper money used in China

AD 1274 to 1292  -  Marco Polo travelled and stayed in China.  He found out that Paper Money was used there.  Later he recorded this in his book which was completed in 1298.  The book "The travels of Marco Polo"  was written for him by Rustichello da Pisa.

AD 1872 -   120 boys - from China to USA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTmbrBovUc4 

Did they come with any paper folding ideas?

1946  -  Liverpool - 300 Chinese fathers vanished after wartime service in British merchant navy       - Did they leave any paper folding behind? 

1914 -1918       Strangers on the Western Front - Chinese Workers in the Great War - Xu Guoqi  - Harvard University Press 2011

Zhong, Jiaxin. --- Japanese War Orphans: Abandoned Twice by the State.---  Routledge, 2021.  

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Origami in Education and Therapy (COET) 1995 - 

Edited by V'Ann Cornelius - Published by the Origami USA 1995

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Origami in Education and Therapy (COET) 1991 - 

Edited by John Smith - Published by the British Origami Society 1992