The Building

Quick reference to all building information

OrH shares our space with the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa. Many of our events take place at:

30 Cleary Ave.

Ottawa, Ontario

K2A 4A1

This page addresses the things you need to know in using this space.

Find OrH

Building Liaison

If you are arranging an event other than the regularly scheduled Shabbat services and require use of Unitarian facilities other than Room 5 (ie, Fellowship Hall or the Now Room), you should contact Michael Salter who will arrange it with the Unitarians. This includes:

  • Checking room availability and booking, if required
  • Room setup requirements
  • Audio visual equipment requirements, if any
  • Please note that for any other event requirements, such as booking kitchen help, lockbox codes (which will change monthly), etc. you should contact your Team coordinator.


Worship Hall is the main sanctuary on the main floor of Unitarians. Here we hold our High Holiday services and Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.


Fellowship Hall is where we hold our Saturday morning Shabbat services and kiddush luncheons, our Yom Kippur break-fast, and most of our Festival celebrations.


  • Tables will be out but may need rearranging.
  • If you open windows or the patio door, remember to close when you leave
  • Leave garbage in bins/bags found in the kitchen.
  • You do NOT have to clean off the tables or the floors.

Audio visual

  • Will be supplied but quality can be hit and miss.
  • If music is important for your event, consider bringing your own backup speaker / mic.


Rules for use are...

  • If food is involved, ask your Team coordinator to book kitchen help.
    • Help will arrive about 30 minutes before the event.
  • Food is not communal; Label anything that belongs to OrH.


The volunteer lounge is the room at the top of the stairs, beside the Fellowship Hall Kitchen. This room is used for:

  • Storage of all holy objects.
  • Prayer books, kipppot and talitot
  • Our mobile Torah reading table

The NOW room

This room is shared with all tenants and needs to be booked in advance through the building liaison. OrH typically uses the space for meetings or services that accommodate approximately 30 people.

There is a piano in the space and chairs are stored in the room.

Room 5

Room 5 on the lower level of Unitarians is our community's space and is for the exclusive use of Or Haneshamah. Here we hold Macaneh Shabbat classes on Saturday mornings, Exploring Judaism classes, BaMa'Gal B'nei Mitvah group meetings, OrH Board meetings and other activitives.

WiFi password can be found in the top cabinet drawer closest to the door. The wifi in the room can be dodgy, but is generally good in the rest of the building.

To book the space you'll need to check availability. Do this by logging to the OrH website with your account credentials, at the top right of the website.

Once in, select ROOM 5 in the newly expanded Members Only drop-down to see the room calendar and booking instructions.

Room 5 should be booked by contacting Sharon Angel.

The LOWER LEVEL kitchen

Guidelines for kitchen use

The kitchen is right across the hall from Room 5 and available for use while you're on site.

In general, guidelines ask that we use common courtesy:

  • Use what's there but return afterwards
  • Clean all dishes that you use
  • Use, clean and return shared items such as knives or the coffee machine
  • Sweep the floor
  • Leave the fridge food alone - it's for other groups
  • Turn off the lights before you leave

Kitchen supply cupboard

OrH has access to a cabinet in the kitchen. To access you will need the code on the lock. Get this from your team leader. Because this is a shared space, items might move around. In general you'd find a selection of the following:

  • plates, cutlery, cups
  • Tablecloths - cloth will need machine washing after event. Plastic - can be returned if in good shape
  • Glass table top flower vases
  • Grape juice, coffee, and other - be sure to use only what's not labeled for other programming
  • Various holiday material

Let us know if something is missing, low or out of stock.

ENTERING the building

UNLocking the doors

To enter the building if all doors are locked:

  • The key to enter the building is located outside the building in a lock box. All team coordinators have the code to the lock box. They can provide the code and instructions on how to locate the box. Note that the code will change regularly for security purposes.
  • Upon entering the building from the ground floor, to keep the two doors open for others to enter, you need to unlock the doors from the inside using Allen keys – there is one for each door, tucked in to the fire alarms close to each door.
  • Insert the key into the push bar of the door; the push bar must be recessed for the door to stay open.
  • Return the Allen keys to their holding places.

Grab the Allen key, which is found behind the alarm on the wall.

There are two sets of emergency doors that will need unlocking.

Press on the push bar while you insert the key into the key slot. Turn the key slightly clockwise to ensure that the bar stays recessed.

If the building is open, but Room 5 is locked:

  • If your event is in Room 5, the lock box key will open the door. Alternatively, a key is locked in our storage cabinet in the lower level kitchen.
  • Contact your team leader for the combination of the kitchen cabinet lock.
  • Please remember to return the key when you have unlocked the room. It does not require a key to lock (see below).

Leaving the building

Locking the doors & turning off the lights

We all leave by the basement door near the elevator after turning off all the lights, closing windows and making sure all doors are locked. Once the basement doors are locked, you can't get back upstairs so ONLY do this when you're sure you have everything from upstairs! For your own safety and security, ALWAYS do the light & lock check with one other person.

There are two sets of emergency doors that will need locking before you leave. (see below)

Grab the Allen key, which is found behind the alarm on the wall.

Insert into the bar and turn to unlock. Once you do this, you can't go back so be sure you have everything you need!

It'll look like this when you're done.

Lock the first set of double doors

These are the double doors we use to get upstairs to the Fellowship Hall. It's on the south side of the building, down the hall from Room 5.

Lock it (as above) and turn off the hallway lights.

Room 5 & the kitchen

Turn the lock on the doorknob to room 5 to lock it. Turn off the lights and close the door!

Check that the kitchen is clean and the OrH kitchen storage cupboard is locked. Turn off the lights.

No need to run the dishwasher or close the door.

Lock the second set of double doors (Exit)

These double doors are closest on the west side of the building, closest to the parking lot, and right beside the elevator.

Turn off the lights (by the door) and lock up (as below).

Emergency contacts

In case of building issues (power outage, plumbing, alien invasion, etc) contact: