Event communications

Approximately 3 weeks before the event, the team coordinator or the person tasked with event promotion should prepare a short notice for the newsletter and web site. Submit notices to David Mendeloff, the Communications Coordinator at communications@orh.ca, at the latest by Monday evening of the week you would like the notice to appear in the newsletter. Normally, the newsletter announces events no more than 2 weeks in advance. However, the item can be posted to the website/online calendar as soon as you have the information available. The communications coordinator can help prepare graphics if they are required, and will post the event to the OrH website and to the OrH Facebook group.

If you would like the event to be publicized more broadly to the Ottawa Jewish community, you should also submit a notice to the Federation calendar. You should consult with the communications coordinator before doing so.

If you need ideas on how to prepare the communications information, look at last year's event in the OrH calendar or contact David.