Red Robinson


Private investigator and bounty hunter contracted by the Cruz Institute. 27 years old. In the middle of a case, he finds himself involved in a bigger problem than he bargained for. He’s a skilled operative with experience enough to handle himself in most dangerous urban situations, though he’s no match for a proper Cruz Institute trained agent.

Character Design

His predominant color is red. He's a redhead with white skin (a "ginger"). Not super manly, but also not effeminate. Not muscular or skinny. Average body. He's our action hero, but he's not necessarily super strong, or really too good looking, and still has some attractiveness to him. He looks more like an average Joe, but also has some "loser" characteristics to him. His hair points upwards, in a action-y kind of way.

He's not the guy who gets all the girls, he's more like the guy who wants all the girls, but doesn't get lucky.

Since this is a fantasy world, the fact that he is good with weapons does not make him remarkable. Nothing about him is really that remarkable. He knows more about his weapons than he knows about girls.

He's confident, and he doesn't shy away. There's a strength to him that lies in his dedication to his profession. He's disciplined and a hard worker.