Contact / Rules

I'm not a demanding person at all. Please read and follow these basic rules, then I'd be always willing to trade with you!

Current status: Open for general trades

Trading Status Info

  • Open for general trades; open for any sizes of the trades. I prefer to trade less than 20 items, just because that's less confusing to me! It doesn't mean bigger trade will be rejected; however it might take some time to respond because I have to look your list thoroughly.

  • Open for limited trades; open for small trades or for my Wants only. It might be denied if you request for general trades.

  • Closed for trades; you will very unlikely get the reply. I won't respond to the mails from this period even after I'm back to trading, so please send a request when I'm open.

No 'this-for-that' trading!

Please send me your site/docs/Encora in your initial mail so that I can see what I want to trade for. (For your reference: Encora is much faster to find things to trade for me!) Don't paste your whole list on the mail, please attach a link.

Your collection should include sufficient information

I expect your boots are listed with exact date and cast information at least. If not, I unfortunately cannot trade with you.

Be SPECIFIC when you request.

Don't just say "I want Wicked video". Please state the show, tour name, date, master, and do clarify if it is AUDIO or VIDEO.

I accept links of any storage sites (Mega, Google Drive, Dropbox, Mediafire, etc.) unless it's NOT a streaming site. Please don't send me any Youtube links.

If you have any of my Wants, please let me know.

But still with your list attached! It can make my reply much faster. I'll always be happy to trade for my Wants :)

If you initiate the trade, you send the links first. Vice versa.

I upload to Mega or Google Drive. My links are guaranteed for a week.

I don't watch/listen to everything I own, so there can be errors I'm not aware of. If you spot any mistake, please let me know.

Please don't ask me to gift. I'm closed to gifting since I've met some disrespectful people.

Please make sure you are fully aware of my rules before contacting me!

If you don't follow these rules, I might not respond and just delete your mail. But it doesn't mean we can never trade in the future. If your new mail has sufficient information, we can definitely work something out!

You can email me at to contact me.

I mostly respond within 3 days. If you haven't gotten a reply in 7 days, feel free to send a follow-up to remind me. It's very likely be spammed by gmail.

Thank you 🧡