Want to Help?

Contact US! Email or MSG

Sharing our Info

The best, most amazing thing you can do to help us adopt is share our contact info and webpage. We would love to meet our birth parent(s) as soon as possible and getting the word out that we are looking is crucial to that. Please, please, tell everyone and anyone you can that we are looking. You never know who might know someone who is looking to place their baby.

Adoption Costs

Adoption Costs are incredibly expensive. On average, adopting a baby costs between $35,000-$45,000. We have saved a part of this amount but will end up having to fund most of our adoption with a loan. Several people have asked us if they can contribute and, while we have no expectations, you absolutely can. We have a t-shirt fundraiser (↓) but if you just want to give to us, you can PayPal us HERE.

T-Shirt Campaign

Buy it Here!

We've partnered with Bonfire and released a t-shirt campaign. As long as there are 5 orders, they will print and ship quality shirts for nonprofit fundraising. I really like the design we came up with (ok, so I designed it but still, I'd buy it at a store). Anyhow, every dime goes towards our adoption expenses. If at the end of this we have any donated money leftover, we will donate it to another couple like us, who is waiting to adopt.

Anyhow, if you like the shirt- buy it! It comes in a bunch of colors and different styles (including sweatshirt!). Give it as a Christmas Present to someone. We are trying to not just do crowdfunding but to actually provide a product that people might want to buy.

Second Shirt!

Buy it Here!

Not really in to the first shirt? We have a second shirt!!! Ever since we started this adoption process, Mel has really believed we are going to end up with a girl. So she designed this shirt as a tribute to raising girls and to women everywhere who are warriors. The design is based on this beautiful poem by Caitlyn Seihl:

"The First Word I Teach My Daughter"

the first word I teach my daughter will be “no”

she will sing it to me and scream it at me

and I will never tell her to quiet down

she will say it when I tell her to go to bed

when I tell her she can’t have anymore candy

or watch anymore television

“no” will be my daughter’s favorite word

not only will I teach her how to say it

but I will teach her to repeat it over and over

again until every single atom in her tiny little body

hums with it

If it makes her less soft than the other girls

I will take her to museums and show her

what marble and stone can become

I will brush her hair and let her wear whatever

she wants

whatever that makes her

she will know

that the world has been built upon “no’s”

upon rejections and refusals and swords

if this makes her a warrior in a field of

flowers, then she will walk without fear

of being trampled on

the first word I teach my daughter will be


and when she grows up

in a world that tells her

she can’t walk down the street by herself

that “no” will be heard

it will roar and echo down the block

and she will never be told to keep


she will not know the meaning of the word.