Partial Path

Overview, Introduction & Prerequisites:

Each subpage contains teacher slides, student slides, activities, and quizzes. 

This path use the Tiny Tapeout! option where students pick up after the Foundational Path by creating a Verilog script which is then sent to processed through the Tiny Tapeout flow for Synthesis and Place & Route (students learn what these process entail and what occur), then receive a complete GDSII file then goes to Tiny Tapeout! for fabrication. 

This is the currently the only path where they will receive a completed Silicon 

This path requires FUNDING!!! 

This is a Module about learing how to make a silicon chip and the process that goes into making it. I'll be posting my lessons, presentations, labs and other resources.  This is primarily a Resource Page, so that means it's a Mish-Mash of Silicon Wafer process content.  

I'm a huge supporter of Open Source and Creative Commons resources.  This is another way of saying Free, Equitable and Accessible resources...  📽️ 🎧 📰 📖 📝🛠️ 🖼️ - Want to Support Me on this endeavor?

Let's get started... It's going to be a fun, awesome ride...


Contribute Here

All of the content created has been created to be open sourced for all teachers. If you would like to contribute to this, please use this template to submit activities to this drive link to add to community resources.

 🚧 - Tiny Tapeout - Introduction -  🚧

This Lesson is coming soon - click here to be notified when it's available 

 🚧 - Tiny Tapeout - Tools & Wokwi -  🚧

This Lesson is coming soon - click here to be notified when it's available 

 🚧 - Tiny Tapeout - Student project design -  🚧

This Lesson is coming soon - click here to be notified when it's available 

 🚧 - Tiny Tapeout - Git Flow -  🚧

This Lesson is coming soon - click here to be notified when it's available 

 🚧 - Tiny Tapeout - Submit design to verification flows -  🚧

This Lesson is coming soon - click here to be notified when it's available 

 🚧 - Tiny Tapeout - Final design submission -  🚧

This Lesson is coming soon - click here to be notified when it's available