Episode 7: The Ranchers

Episode Description 

This epsiode is all about the local ranchers. The legality of their grazing leases in the SPRNCA is being threatened. Some advocates for removing cattle from the SPRNCA have accused them of lying and cheating to use the river to fatten up their cows. But what do they think about all this? That's what this episode is all about. 

John Ladd's cattle try to block his truck, immitating a calf trying to block its mother when they're hungry...

All those Acronyms: 

BLM: the Bureau of Land Management 

MOU: Memorandum of Understanding 

SPRNCA: San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area 

NCA: National Conservation Area (shorthand for the SPRNCA) 

RMP: Resource Management Plan 

FLPMA: the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976