Union policy grievance

NB: Text below is pasted from PIPSC documents however is applicable to all Federal employees. It can also be used to file grievance against any other employer who still keep their employees on Leave With Out Pay (LWOP)

Source: https://pipsc.ca/news-issues/information-members-regarding-covid-19-coronavirus/vaccine-mandate-policy-grievance

Published on 19 May 2022

PIPSC filed a policy grievance (in English) on Friday, May 13, 2022 against the Mandatory Vaccination Policy for all members of the Core Public Administration including the Royal Mounted Police for all members who remain on Leave Without Pay (LWOP) beyond April 6, 2022. As for all other existing employer mandatory vaccination policies that require review, we are monitoring the timelines. Policy grievances will be filed in due course.

The Treasury Board has failed to review the Policy for Mandatory Vaccination within the 6-month period as required by the policy. Together with other unions, we have called for a review given the changed circumstances surrounding the pandemic.

The employer’s failure to review the policy in the face of loosening COVID-19 restrictions is a flagrant abuse of management authority in the workplace. The Treasury Board has broken their commitment to review and update the policy.

Continuing to keep (or place) unvaccinated employees on LWOP beyond April 6, 2022 is an unjustified and excessive measure in light of the current context.


Full text of the a policy grievance (in English) - with additional comments - is published in SubStack for comments and further discussion: https://ivim.substack.com/p/multiple-group-policy-grievance-launched