
Observations as of 30 March 2022

(See also observations at the Main Dashboard page)

From its very first report on 'Cases following vaccination', published in Summer of 2021, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) misinformed the public about the observed post-marketing efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

Instead of 10%-20% of Fully vaccinated observed weekly among COVID-19 Cases and COVID-19 Deaths in August-September, PHAC has reported only 0.5%-3% of them.

This was achieved by counting cases when there were no Fully Vaccinated, which skewed the results by order of magnitude in favour of Fully vaccinated (the technique known as algorithmic bias). It is only after recomputing cases without the bias - i.e. using weekly counts only - when one can see the actual efficacy of vaccines and its dynamics over time.

[Learn more about algorithmic biases in PHAC reports]

Since February 2021, the percentage of Fully Vaccinated among the weekly reported numbers of COVID-19 cases and COVID-19 deaths has exceeded 80%, reaching and exceeding the national full vaccination rate.

[See Live PHAC data dashboard]

Reported number of "COVID-19 deaths" includes "Deaths from COVID" as well as "Deaths with COVID", which constitute majority of "COVID-19 deaths" and many of which are caused by other heath problems and old age.

This explains why the average age of people dying from COVID-19 is very close to the average life expectancy. This also explains why the number of other causes of deaths, such as Alzheimer's disease and suicides, went down since the announcement of pandemic.

Since August 2021, the number of "Deaths from COVID" have become less than that from influenza during the influenza seasons in the past ten years.

[Learn more about "Death from COVID" vs. "Death with COVID"]

[Use Death Tracker App to compare deaths from various causes before and after pandemic]

Majority of people, in particularly children and people under 40 years of age, infected with COVID-19 have low risk of health complications from the infection and can thus acquire natural immunity, which is safer, longer and more efficient than vaccine-induced immunity.

Post-marketing data that have become available from August 2021 and especially from November 2021, show that COVID-19 vaccines and boosters are not as "efficient" and "safe" as originally claimed, doing more harm than good, in particular for children and people under 40 years of age.

[Learn more about variation by age and Risks for children]

[Learn more about Natural Immunity vs. Vaccine-induced Immunity]

Not a single report was produced by the Office of the Chief Scientific Advisor of Canada since August 2021, which is when post-marketing data related to vaccine efficacy have become available. All Mandatory Vaccination policies and the accompanying press-releases and training videos, that we put in place in Canada were developed without the use of and the reference to the post-marketing data. Not a single official report was produced by the Government of Canada that showed weekly variation and distribution of COVID-19 deaths by vaccination status, after these data has become available in August 2021.

Vaccine manufacturers, main stream media and governments worldwide, in Canada in particular, keep avoiding talking about the post-marketing data related to COVID-19 vaccines safety and efficiency that has been acquired since Summer 2021, and use punitive measures and harsh lexicon in order to discourage general public from talking about the subject and coerce people to get vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine against their conscious and religious beliefs.

[Learn more about legal actions and other experts' opinions]