Grade 11 Resources

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Grade 11 Resources

Indigenous Resources 


Conference Resources



The following downloadable documents are provided to assist teachers in the implementation of the curriculum revisions. Note that these documents provide an overview only. Teachers should refer to the complete curriculum documents for their program planning. The philosophy courses begin on page 327. See the Comparison Chart, below, for changes to the 2000 curriculum. For Ministry curriculum documents, see LINKS.


Acting on a report prepared by the Ontario Working Group on Financial Literacy, the Ministry of Education has mandated that all subject disciplines incorporate relevant financial literacy materials in their classroom curricula. The Working Group's vision statement: “Ontario students will have the skills and knowledge to take responsibility for managing their personal financial well-being with confidence, competence, and a compassionate awareness of the world around them.” This requirement can be fulfilled with a lesson, a project or an activity that formalizes some aspect of the practices and implications of money management. The acquisition and use of private, corporate and public wealth has far-reaching ethical implications. OPTA feels strongly that our students should examine some of the issues in the ethics of consumerism. To that end, we have provided the following materials. They can be used as is, or modified as you see fit, for instance, to accommodate the needs and interests of grade 11 students. The Ministry documents related to financial literacy are available at Type 'financial literacy' into the search field.

SWIMMING UPSTREAM: Japanese Canadian Struggle for Justice in BC

Written and produced by Maryka Omatsu

Directed by Jackie Bohez

A documentary suitable for use in school courses that address social justice, 20th-century Canadian history, multiculturalism, racism and prejudice.


Swimming Upstream is a 13-minute documentary video that clearly and concisely details the systematic destruction of the Japanese Canadian community and its culture by the British Columbia Government during World War II. This policy of eradication took three forms:


In their over 140-year history in Canada, Japanese Canadians have fought for citizenship and equality. During the war years, the small community was incarcerated, had all their property and possessions confiscated, and were dispersed in small numbers across the country or exiled to Japan.

In 1941, the Army and the RCMP declared that Japanese Canadians were not a security risk. Prime Minister Mackenzie King acknowledged that "no Japanese Canadian was ever charged with any act of sabotage or disloyalty during the years of the war."

Forty years later, in September of 1988, the Japanese community fought for and won an official Federal Government Apology and Redress. But the central role of the Province and the cities in British Columbia has not yet been fully acknowledged.

The video is available at the following sites:

Canadian Race Relations Foundation.

Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre.
