Module 5:

Teaching Online at HPU

Welcome to Module 5: Teaching Online at HPU

This module outlines institution specific resources and considerations for distance learning to help you understand the landscape of distance learning at HPU. The module doesn't require you complete any activities. Rather, we ask that you familiarize yourself with these resources so you know where to go whenever the need may arise. It may be helpful to bookmark these resources to have readily available on your device.

RESOURCE: Online Programs and Academic Partnerships Website

Online Programs and Academic Partnerships is here to support you in advancing online teaching excellence at the university. In addition to the repository of resources hosted on our website, we offer myriad faculty development opportunities such as webinars, monthly teaching talks, and faculty summits where faculty come together to learn from and with one another. We also offer one to one instructional design consultations. Reach out to if you would like to schedule a chat!

RESOURCE: HPU Information Technology Services Website

If you need a specific software, have questions about the HPU suite of digital tools, need to put in an IT Helpdesk request, want to access resources created by IT on a host of technology related queries , then this is the place to go. Our IT team is super friendly and always happy to help.

RESOURCE: HPU Online Programs

There are a variety of undergraduate/graduate online and hybrid programs offered at HPU. It may be worthwhile to understand how your program fits within the larger landscape of online programs at the institution. Use this link to access program-specific information regarding all of the programs we offer here at HPU.

HPU Substantive Interaction Guide (1).pdf

RESOURCE: Regular and Substantive Interaction

The United States Department of Education requires that distance learning programs incorporate regular and substantive interaction. Unlike correspondence courses, which would allow for limited interaction between students and instructors and among students, distance education is defined by substantive interaction. Use this resource to better understand what this may mean for your course.

RESOURCE: Assessment Integrity Matrix

Upholding academic integrity in your course is a two-fold endeavor involving both education and prevention. This matrix contains measures you can take to maintain assessment integrity in digital learning environments. Please review the second page of this document for more details about each measure and links to additional information.
