Module 3:

Learning Design

Welcome to Module 3: Learning Design


Within this module, you will be asked to watch tutorials and read articles on designing learning activities for your course. This module uses Robert Gagne's 9 learning events to frame designing learning activities in a distance learning environment. Throughout this module, you will be asked to conceptualize different kinds of instructional activities that align with the learning objectives and assessments you outlined for module 1 of your course.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Integrate instructional activities contributing to the achievement of the stated learning objectives.

  2. Plan instructional activities aligned to assessments.

  3. Articulate the relationship between the use of instructional materials in the course and learning activities.

  4. Implement a variety of instructional activities and materials.

As you progress throughout this module, think specifically about guiding questions that frame how students might approach the instructional activities you are planning for module 1 of your course.

WATCH: Learning Design Introduction

This 1 minute video outlines the purpose for using a systematic approach to instructional design within a distance learning course and introduces Gagne's 9 learning events as a framework to design your module.


COMPLETE: Module Mapping Template

Map out your learning activities for module 1 of your course in the Module Mapping Template, adapted from our educational partners at Evidence in Motion, as we progress through the following tutorials. As you watch, you will be asked to stop and conceptualize different components of your module so that you have a complete map to draw upon when you start to build your module in Blackboard.

To make an editable copy of the template: open the document, ensure you are signed in to Google, select file, then make a copy.

WATCH: Planning Instruction Part 1

This 3 minute video outlines the first three of Gagne's learning events: gaining the attention of the students, informing the learner of the objective, and stimulating recall of prior learning, asking you to plan related instruction along the way.

Pause the video where needed to read through the examples provided and to fill out your module mapping template.

WATCH: Planning Instruction Part 2

This 3 minute video outlines the next three of Gagne's learning events: presenting the content, providing learning guidance, and eliciting the performance, asking you to plan related instruction along the way.

Pause the video where needed to read through the examples provided and to fill out your module mapping template.

WATCH: Planning Instruction Part 3

This 2 minute video outlines the final three of Gagne's learning events: providing feedback, assessing the performance, and enhancing retention and transfer, asking you to plan related instruction along the way.

Pause the video where needed to read through the examples provided and to fill out your module mapping template.


PRACTICE: Developing cognitive, student, and instructor presence throughout instruction.

Using this help sheet from William & Mary's Studio for Teaching and Learning Innovation as a guide, self assess your module planning document. Do you have multiple opportunities for students to interact with not only the content but with you and other students in the class? These interactions can be asynchronous or offered as optional synchronous opportunities that are recorded for students who are not able to attend.

READ: What Are We Doing and Why? Transparent Assignment Design Benefits Students and Faculty Alike

This article by Kasey Christopher at Duquesne University discusses the importance of creating transparent assignments constructed with three key components: purpose, task, and criteria for success.