Oneroa Kāhui Ako ASL/ WSL Wellbeing Day
Our WSL and ASL's had the opportunity to visit other schools and see Wellbeing programmes in action. For more information, please discuss these initiatives with your Within School Lead.
2024 Student Voice Video

Oneroa Kāhui Ako 2024 Conference
Our Oneroa Kāhui Ako Conference took place at Long Bay College, providing an excellent platform for professional development and community building. The event featured a series of workshops centred around our three strands: supporting the well-being of students and staff, addressing complex needs, and enhancing cultural awareness across the Kāhui Ako. These workshops not only provided valuable insights and strategies but also facilitated meaningful discussions and exchanges of ideas. Overall, the conference was an outstanding opportunity to connect with colleagues, strengthen relationships, and work collectively to enhance our approach to education within our Oneroa community.
ECE Professional Development for Teachers
On the 21st May 2024 we held our first Oneroa Kāhui Ako Early Childhood Professional Development day. Our ECE centres had the opportunity to visit our Primary Schools and see learning in action.
"I saw effective learning through play for the first time ... The whole day was such a fabulous opportunity for me to see how schools and centres can build relationships across sectors- which is hugely valuable for easing students' transition between them."
"I gained a deeper understanding of the complexities of children's learning in the classroom."
"Observing the PMP programme and how it can be adapted and used within the ECE. We also found the literacy programmes were so different yet very informative and able to be adapted to begin skills within ECE."