Information for Participants

General Information for Participants

Thank you for registering for the 2023 One Night Only! festival. We’re looking forward to making some fun, new plays with you! Please review this information before the festival so you know when and where to be and what to bring. See you soon!

A few notes:

Pre-Festival Informational Zoom

We encourage you to join us on Sunday, September 17 at 4pm for a zoom call where we will go over how the festival schedule and each role will work. There will be time for you to ask questions at the end of the call. Please send us questions in advance so we can cover as much as possible on the call. You should have receieved the zoom link via email. If you can't find it, please email us at and we'll resend it.

Tickets for Participants

All festival participants (other than writers*) and volunteers are invited to watch the dress rehearsal. You will not be able to watch the final performance unless you get yourself a ticket. It’s a small theater and we expect to sell out with friends/family/and community members. Ticket information will be shared as soon as we are online. The final performance will be recorded and freely available online after the festival.

*Writers will be able to watch the final performance automatically as a perk of having stayed up all night to write the plays.

Location & Parking

Specific Details & Arrival Times for Each Role


Writers call time is Friday evening at 6:45 pm.

We (the production team) will give you prompts at exactly 7pm and you can get to work. Please bring your own computer and charger. You are encouraged to stay and work through the night. We are able to use the library space at Thetford Academy which will allow for chairs and desks and more room to spread out. You may want to bring headphones so you can listen to music while you work without disturbing others. Feel free to bring a pillow or sleeping bag - and snacks as needed!  We will be assigning a person to hang with the writers and help you as needed (time checks, moral support).


Directors call time is Saturday morning at 5:45 am. 

The writers will meet the Directors - script in hand - at 5:45. They will have time together before the actors arrive at 6:45.  At that time, writers are welcome to go get some sleep or stay for actor selection. After meeting with the writer, the director will sit in on auditions and cast their play. After a quick casting meeting, the roles will be announced and the directors will spend the remainder of their day rehearsing with their cast and meeting with tech to get ready for the 7pm performance.


Actors call time is Saturday morning at 6:45 am. 

There are fourteen actors so an average of three/four actors per play. The audition experience will be approximately a minute each. Feel free to prepare something for that time – and we will have a few line sheets for those who would prefer to have them. You can come with a monologue memorized or on paper, but you don't have to. Telling a quick story or giving a dramatic recitation of song lyrics is also fine. You will be cast. The purpose of the auditions is to see who is the best fit for each role.

Actors should wear (or perhaps better to bring) a black t shirt, blouse, or polo (no logos or words please), jeans and sneakers (or any “quiet” shoes). You may receive additional costumes but we would like to have a base outfit that works for most characters and ties people together. 

Theater Technicians / Stage Crew

Tech and crew stage time is Saturday morning at 8:45 am.

Technicians will divide and conquer to ensure that lighting, sound, costumes, set, and props are ready for dress rehearsals and the show. Then, technicians will serve as stage crew to ensure the show runs smoothly, helping with set changes, props, and costume changes as needed. Your preferences for lifting and giving directions will be taken into consideration! 

Please bring dark colored clothes to wear that are comfortable to move in (if this is jeans and a black shirt like the actors, that works great, mostly we don’t want white or any other light colors in case you’re helping with scene changes during the show!). For the day, please bring clothes you don’t mind getting a little bit dirty/dusty.

Ushers & Volunteers

Volunteer time varies by individual/availability. Usher call is at 4:30 pm.

Ushers and volunteers are asked to arrive by 4:30 so they can meet with the Front of House and so they can watch the final dress rehearsal. Due to the limited size of the house, final dress may be the only opportunity to watch the show, so please plan on attending. If there are available spots in the house at curtain, then the volunteers may be invited to stay for the performance. After dress rehearsal, the house management volunteer will set up at a table where they can sell tickets and take donations. Ushers will assist in opening the house, handing out programs, and directing audience members to their seats. The parking attendant volunteer will assist patrons in finding parking and directing them to the theatre. No set uniform, but please dress business casual if possible.