
One Night Only is a 24-hour play festival hosted by Parish Players in Thetford, VT. This festival will showcase plays that were entirely created (written, cast, directed, and rehearsed) within the 24 hours before the show starts. It is a wonderful exercise to bring the community together to create something new in a short span of time. 

The plays you will see did not exist the day before. They will only be performed once. Anything can happen. You don't want to miss this show!


How does a 24-hour play festival work?

In a 24-hour play festival, a collection of short (~10 minute) plays will be created in just 24 hours. No one is there for the full 24 hours (people need to sleep!). This festival is a community effort where the baton is passed from writers to directors to actors throughout the festival.

Writers will arrive on Friday at 6:45pm to get their prompts and write brand new plays overnight, starting at 7pm. Then, at 5:45am Saturday morning the directors will arrive to read the plays and talk to the writers. The writers can leave after meeting with their director. Then, actors will arrive at 6:45am, audition for the directors, and get cast in a play. Technicians will arrive at 8:45am and begin the work of preparing the shows' technical elements. Directors and Actors will spend all day Saturday rehearsing until the curtain goes up and the plays are performed at 7pm Saturday evening--exactly 24 hours from the time the writers began working. The company will then help with strike immediately after the performance, and the day will end around 9:15pm

Who can participate in the festival?

The beauty of a 24-hour play festival is that anyone can participate. You don't need to be a professional. All you need is a little bit of time and the willingness to try something new. This festival is a great opportunity for people who like theater, but are usually too busy or nervous to get involved in a full play.

To make this festival happen, we will need all hands on deck! In addition to writers, directors, and actors, we will be looking for volunteers to serve as stage crew and ushers. See Get Involved for more information!

Does everyone have to stay at the theater for 24 hours?

No. In fact, no one should be at the theater for all 24 hours. This festival happens in shifts: the writers stay all night to write, then they leave in the morning when the actors and directors come in to rehearse and the technicians come in to prepare all day until the performance. Think of it like a relay race where the baton is passed from person to person.

What is the minimum age?

Anyone 10 years of age or older can participate in the festival as an actor or volunteer. Writing and directing roles are limited to people 18+. Participants under 15 will need parental supervision to participate. 

Does it cost anything to participate?

No! Participation in the play creation part of the festival is completely free! The only part of the festival that does cost money is buying a ticket to attend the final performance.

How many plays will there be? How long is each one?

We are planning create 4 plays during the festival this year. Each play will be about 10 minutes long.

Are the plays improvised?

No. The plays are based on scripts that were written the night before by the playwrights. The actors will spend all day focusing on the play, rehearsing, and memorizing lines. The plays are short (~10 minutes) and there are always multiple actors in each one, so there won't be too many lines to memorize.

Do all of the writers work collectively on the plays?

No. Each writer will write their own play. The writers will be working simultaneously in the same space, so they are welcome to help each other if they want. For the most part, every writer will be working on their own play. Writers can work in teams on a play if desired. If you want to work as a writing team, let us know when you register.

Why is it called One Night Only?

The plays will be created in just one night, and they will only be performed once. 'One night only' refers to the play creation window and the fact that there is only one chance to see the show!