Our Projects

Below this brief interview, you'll find some fish art. Check back for our very own fish tales, recipes, trivia, math problems, maps and more--all coming soon!

Alec Gale is our dad's cousin. He was basically born on a boat and like his father and brother, he has worked on the water most of his life. You may know him from Loco Lobster, The Fish House, Menemsha Fishhouse, among many fishing/fish ventures. We interviewed him about being a fisherman and fish broker. And we were surprised to learn what he had to say about fish tagging-- which we just learned about from Uncle Art (See that interview link from "Going Green . . .").

Interview Questions for Alec:

BB: When did you start fishing?

Alec: When I was probably 5 or 6 with my dad. Lobstering. I started commercially fishing when was 19.

BB: Why do you like to fish?

Alec: Always an adventure. You never know what’s going to happen for the day. Cool way to get your food or make money. You can just pull it out of the ocean.

BB: How did you get started being a commercial fisherman?

AG: I needed a job. I knew how to fish. Why not fish for a job?

BB: What’s being a commercial fisherman like?

AG: It’s cool. It’s very hard work. Nothing is ever steady. Some day you could make some money. The next day you don’t make anything. It’s a great way to make a living. You have a lot of pride when you fish for a living.

BB: Have you ever tagged a fish?

AG: I’ve caught bass and turned in information and gotten sent a hat. I used to get 2 or 3 a year. Depends on the color of the tag. If you get the right color tag, it’s kind of like a lottery. Sometimes you can win $500. Most times you get a hat or tshirt.

BB: When did you start being a fish broker?

AG: I started in 2005.

BB: What is it like to be a fish broker?

AG: It’s pretty exciting. It’s more steady than fishing yourself. It’s cool because you always see a whole bunch of different varieties of fish come through the door. Sometimes, it’s a big bluefin tuna or swordfish, Yellowfin, big wahoo.

BB: Do you like selling or catching fish better?

AG: Catching!


After studying fish guides, the boys created these representations.

Porgy/bunker by Owen. The most important fish in the ocean, many say!

Wahoo by Owen

Rye: "This is a false albacore made out of foil and paint."


Can you believe Owen reeled in a few blues this past Sunday morning-- just as the Derby had ended!?!

Our favorite recipe for bluefish is so easy that it will leave you with plenty of time leftover to get back out fishing. Spread a little mayo over the top of each filet. Sprinkle salt, pepper and breadcrumbs on top. Then, bake at 350 for about 10 minutes until center of fish flakes easily.

Don't forget a squeeze of lemon!