Identifying Local Fish

You can identify a bluefish by its forked tail, oily skin, sharp teeth, steel blue color and silvery white below. A blue is usually found in the surf or near shore. Use a leader so they don't bite your line. Blues can be as big as 3 feet / 20 lbs., but are typically 1-12 lbs. They jump often, making long runs.

False albacore (aka Little Tunny) are a rich blue color with wavy patterns on the upper side and spots around the pectoral fin. The size can vary-- world record is 35 lbs, 2 oz, but usually weighs 10-15 lbs. Great fighters!!

Atlantic bonito have wavy stripes along the upper half of body (and no spots like false albacore). grows up to 2 feet / 15 lbs. World record is 18 lbs. 2 oz. Teeth are strong and well-spaced. Another excellent fighter!

We recommend fish ID guides, like Sport Fish of the Atlantic by Vic Dunaway and Fishes of the New England Coast by Captain Greg Nisito.

Striped bass aka "stripers" hide down deep during the daytime to avoid bright sunlight which is why people mostly fish at night for them. Eats almost anything--eels are our favorite bait. Usually has 7 or 8 horizontal stripes. Stocks are recovering after many years of overfishing and habit damage. For the second time in Derby history, striped bass are removed from the competition this year. Grows up to approx. 4 feet and 50 lbs.