The questions new hires ask and the concise answers they need.


What is onboarding?

Onboarding is a process where new employees learn the skills, knowledge and capabilities they need to succeed. It can also build loyalty and ensure they stay with your company for the long term.

What is an onboarding checklist?

With an onboarding checklist, you can organize the necessary steps for guiding your new hires through their first days and months at your company. Just keep in mind that it doesn’t guarantee successful onboarding. The ideal onboarding process offers the right balance of planned and unplanned initiatives that are specifically tailored to the employees in question and their unique needs.

Who is responsible for onboarding?

Contrary to popular belief, onboarding shouldn’t fall solely on your human resources department or hiring manager. It needs to be a collaborative effort that involves HR, managers, co-workers and senior leaders.

🪟Transparency & Reporting

How can I file a complaint?

Contrary to popular belief, onboarding shouldn’t fall solely on your human resources department or hiring manager. It needs to be a collaborative effort that involves HR, managers, co-workers and senior leaders.

What are the hotlines available?

Contrary to popular belief, onboarding shouldn’t fall solely on your human resources department or hiring manager. It needs to be a collaborative effort that involves HR, managers, co-workers and senior leaders.