Thai custom Massage Doreen

A massage as unique as you are

Thai Custom Massage, one of the most popular massage in Olivia Massage Doreen

Choose your main area of tension for our expert therapists to focus on bringing relief to where your body needs it most. 

What are you truly looking for in your massage experience? Deep Tissue? Hot Stone? Trigger point therapy? Stretching Thai yoga? It’s your choice as you design and your therapist will tailor this ideal massage to meet your specific needs. 

Duration & Price:

30Mins: $75 Express Massage

(Focus on area)

75Mins: $95

(Focus Back with Cupping Therapy)

60Mins: $150

90Mins: $220

 120Mins: $285

Phone 0444 529 538

A Custom Massage can help with the following ailments:

Benefits of Custom Massage 
