Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage

(Detox Massage Doreen )

This gentle massage specifically designed to aid circulation &  detoxify the body & maybe can help during weight loss.

Phone 0444 529538

Gentle massage with organic oil or powder, which allows the body to eliminate toxins with very light pressure and reduce toxins in your promote an overall sense of well-being and improve energy levels.

 For your safety it is highly recommended to get a clearance certificate from your G.P. after any major surgery to get a massage therapy by masseuse.

Duration & Price:

60Mins: $130 (Focus on) Face and Arms

90Mins: $190

 120Mins: $250

Style: This technique uses a gentle stroking massage.(light-pressure stroking) 

to stimulate the lymphatic vessels superficial area under the skin. This creates a connection between the clogged area and the area that has good circulation.

Use organic essential oil blended specific for detox are included.

Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage technique designed to stimulate lymph circulation and detoxify the body, while strengthening the immune system. It is performed with the fingers and the palms of the hands on the whole body, following the direction of the lymphatic circulation, creating a lymph pumping effect, and varying the pressure.

Lymphatic drainage was initially developed in the 1930s by Danish physicians Emil and Estrid Vodder as a treatment for lymphedema (a condition marked by swelling and the buildup of lymph in the body's soft tissues, usually as the result of infection, injury, cancer treatment, surgery, or genetic disorders affecting the lymph system). Lymphedema can cause a range of symptoms, such as leg or arm heaviness, weakness, and pain. One common use of lymphatic drainage is in the treatment of lymphedema resulting from the removal of lymph nodes as part of breast cancer surgery.

Without a heart, blood cannot pump around the human body.

Without lymph nodes, the human body cannot effectively fight against diseases. Lymph nodes can be thought of as the little hearts of the human body’s lymphatic system. We have 600-1000 of them all over the human body to try to ensure that disease can be eliminated.

Tired, listless and exhausted? This is often related to our habits, environmental toxin substances, food additives, stress, hectic pace and much more put a strain on the organs. Everything that cannot be completely broken down by the body is deposited in the passive tissue and binds additional fat. As a result of that our skin, immune system, metabolism and health suffer.

What is a detox massage?

A detox massage is a type of massage that specializes in supporting the lymphatic system, achieving healthy functioning of immune mechanisms and blood circulation, and maintaining the body's fluid balance.

Fibromyalgia: Lymphatic drainage shows promise in the treatment of fibromyalgia, suggests a report published in Manual Therapy in 2015. For the report, researchers reviewed 10 previously published clinical trials on the effects of massage on symptoms and quality of life in people with fibromyalgia. While the myofascial release was found to have large, positive effects on pain, manual lymphatic drainage was found to be better than connective tissue massage for stiffness, depression

Lymphedema signs and symptoms include:

-Swelling of part or all of the arm or leg, including fingers or toes

-A feeling of heaviness or tightness

-Restricted range of motion

-Recurring infections

-Hardening and thickening of the skin (fibrosis)

Signs and symptoms can range from mild to severe. Lymphedema caused by cancer treatment may not occur until months or years after treatment.

The lymph circulates in the lymphatic vessels and the nodes which filter the waste produced by the body. This lymph is not activated by the heart and therefore must rely on breathing and body movement to eliminate wastes and toxins.

You can also improve your lymphatic system function yourself and help remove more waste products and toxins from the body by observing the following:

The organs liver, kidneys, intestines, bladder and skin are of central importance for successful detoxification and purification. Where our body cannot rid itself of harmful substances on its own, detox treatments come into play. 

What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is an abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid between the tissue layers. This presents as swelling, or oedema It may also occur in the face, the trunk, the abdomen or the genital area. Lymphedema is the result of an accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the superficial tissues, which can have significant pathological and clinical consequences for the patient if left untreated. Once present, this chronic and progressive condition will hardly disappear.

What causes of lymphedema?

Caused by blocked lymphatic drainage

• Interstitial fluids accumulate

• Affected area becomes swollen and distended

There are 2 types of lymphedema.

1. Primary Lymphedema, or from birth. This is a congenital form of lymphedema caused by a malformation of the lymph vessels or nodes. It may present itself at birth, or later in life. Often it occurs in puberty or during pregnancy. Primary forms usually affect the lower extremities but may also be present in upper extremities. 

2.Lymphedema is caused secondary to lymph vessel destruction, or lymph node removal secondary to a disease process or a surgery. The common cause of lymphedema  include post-surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, after infection, blood clots, tumors, or chronic venous insufficiency (Zuther, Lymphedema Management & Foldi, Foldi’s Textbook of Lymphology). Lymphedema does not necessarily develop right after surgery. It can develop decades later! 

For your safety it is highly recommended to get a clearance certificate from your G.P. after any major surgery to get a massage therapy.

Lymphatic Swelling

Lymph fluid is rich in protein making the edematous area very thick and heavy feeling. Treatment is necessary to not only move the fluid and protein out of the area. If it is not treated, over time, the lymphatic vessels will stretch out permanently and external compression and treatment will be necessary for a lifetime to maintain proper pressure in the valves to move fluid more normally.

This is a condition of chronic nature, and therefore patients are at risk for infections such as cellulitis due to the oedema exerting pressure on the tissues and causing cracks, allowing bacteria in, or compromising skin when bumped or scraped.

Why do we need to treat oedemas?

Forms of Treatment for Lymphedema

1. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD): this gentle manual treatment technique increases the activity of lymph vessels and lymph nodes and manually moves interstitial fluid. Applied correctly, a series of MLD treatments decreases the volume of the affected extremity to a normal or near normal size.

2. Compression Therapy: the elastic fibres in the skin are damaged in lymphedema. In order to prevent deaccumulations of fluid it is necessary to apply sufficient compression to the affected extremity. 

3. Exercises: a customized exercise program is designed by the therapist for each patient. These decongestive exercises aid the effects of the joint and muscle pumps and should be performed by the patient wearing the compression bandage or garment. 

4. Skin care: the skin in lymphedema is very susceptible to infections and usually dry. A low-pH lotion, free of alcohol and fragrances, should be used to maintain the moisture of the skin and to avoid infections. You should consult your physician if there are any fungal infections present in your affected extremity.

Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage 


MLD with cold jade stone therapy

We use cold stones to promote circulation, reduce inflamed swelling, decrease muscle spasms, and acts as a powerful decongestant for the body. Some of the most common benefits of cold stone massage include:

If you are looking for Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage don't hesitate to contact us at Olivia Massage Doreen. lymphatic Drainage massage is sometimes touted as a treatment for issues like post-exercise recovery, acne, cellulite, and eczema.