Mass Intentions

Things you should know: the stipend for each mass remains at $10.00; candles on the altar remain at $15.00; sanctuary lamp remains at $25.00. This year we are also offering the opportunity to dedicate the bread and wine for each week for $50.00. Because we are four parishes combined into one, you are asked to combine as many masses as possible. 

Mass Intentions for weekend and daily masses are listed below:

Wed. 5/8 

7:00 AM Raymond Dugan by M/M Gary Paulshock 

7:00 PM Ascension Vigil Thelma Gallagher by JoAnn Oressie 

Thur. 5/9 

7:00 AM Ascension Mike Tulanowski by Paul Thomas 

Fri. 5/10 

7:00 AM Anne Marie Ceriani by Joe and Susan Stefanick and Family 

Sat. 5/11 

4:00 PM Terry M. Schiavone, Sr. by His Wife Joyce 

Sun. 5/12 

11:00 AM Robert Hludzik by Mary Ann 

Mon. 5/13 

7:00 PM Deceased Members of the Thomas Kislan Family by Jane & Lew Decowski and Family 

Tue. 5/14 

7:00 AM Henry and Mary Kopczynskie by Daniel Kopczynskie 

Wed. 5/15 

7:00 AM Betty and John Kostick by Their Daughters 

Thur. 5/16 

7:00 AM David Kobza by David Goodyear 

Fri. 5/17 

7:00 AM Living and Deceased Members of the Nitka and Rapach Families by Linda Nitka-Moyer 

Sat. 5/18 

4:00 PM Lillian Strohl by Her Husband Oscar 

Sun. 5/19 

11:00 AM John B. Capozzelli by Lorenzo