At-Home by Choice

When in-person learning is permitted, every family will also have the the opportunity to select an alternative option. Our At-Home by Choice Learning program offers students the option to attend class each day from home over Zoom and turn in assignments digitally. Teachers will have devices with Zoom open most of the day so the student can get the experience of still being in class with their classmates and the benefit of being able to ask and answer questions, participate in discussions, and socialize.

Launch Meeting

You and your student's distance learning experience will begin with a scheduled launch Zoom meeting with Mrs. Sato. She will walk you and your student through setting and accessing Google Classroom, curriculum logins, navigating daily assignments, and answer any questions you may have. She will make sure you and your student(s) are ready to go and feel confident navigating the digital world.

Virtual Platforms- Zoom and Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom will be your main home and landing page for daily work and activities. Videos will be posted, links will be shared, and work/feedback will be returned through this platform. Your distance learning student will belong to his/her homeroom Google Classroom to keep up with and engage in what is going on in the in-person classroom and a Distance Learning Classroom just for students in their class participating in learning from a distance.


Students will be on Zoom for the duration of the school day and have the ability to participate in class, ask questions, and collaborate with their classmates. They will be present online for all direct instruction and will work on classwork and assignments in front of the computer from home along with the rest of the class.


Unlike during the 2019-20 school year temporary school closure due to COVID-19, students choosing distance learning for the 2020-21 school year will receive grades just as though they were present in the classroom. They will be assessed on the same standards, work through curriculum at the same pace, and receive feedback and a grade just like normal. Students in grades K-5 will received a Standards-Referenced Report Card and students in grades 6-8 will receive a Traditional Report Card with letter grades.