What is Pure Himalayan Shilajit? Benefits and Uses of Shilajit

Himalayan Shilajit, also known as mineral pitch, is a black-brown substance with a tar-like consistency. It is extracted from the Himalayan mountain range and is also called the “elixir of life or destroyer of weakness” in Ayurvedic medicine due to its superfood properties. This substance is quite powerful and has rejuvenating and anti-aging properties.

Nature preserves the purest form of Shilajit in the Himalayan Mountains. The uniqueness of the region enhances the value of pure Shilajit. High altitude, low oxygen, strong winds and harsh weather mold Shilajit's mint.

Pure Shilajit is the only substance that is obtained from above 16,000 feet of the Himalayan mountain range of Gilgit Baltistan. This uniqueness turns Gilgit Baltistan Shilajit into gold category and with balanced composition of organic elements and fulvic acid, so Himalayan Shilajit is very famous in the world.

Due to modern agricultural practices and increased worldwide pollution, both soil quality and our diets have declined in essential nutrients. People need a product that meets the body's needs. Pure Himalayan Shilajit contains 84 minerals and provides you with additional nutrients.

There are many benefits of Shilajit but we have mentioned only a few. Benefits of pure Himalayan Shilajit

Uses of Shilajit

People often ask this question, how much time does Shilajit take to work? And how to use Shilajit? Keeping this in mind, we researched the uses of Shilajit and found that Shilajit has no side effects and its daily consumption can help in increasing the vitality of the body. You have to consume Shilajit regularly for 10 days.

Many people believe that pure Himalayan Shilajit is beneficial only for men, in fact, Himalayan Shilajit is highly recommended for women as well. We ensure quality Shilajit that helps women regulate the menstrual cycle and thus has a positive impact on women's reproductive health.

Pure Himalayan Shilajit Uk

You can get online pure Himalayan Shilajit in UK from Oils and Herbs. Ours contains 100% pure Himalayan Shilajit ethically sourced from high altitude rocks of the Himalayan ranges. These are UK lab-tested certifications – mentioned in the images