Treating Arthritis with Cinnamon Essential Oil

If you suffer from arthritis, chronic pain during the day and often at night is unfortunately nothing new to you. Till date there is no known cure for arthritis but every sufferer wants relief from pain. Aromatherapy using essential oils is known to help with arthritis pain. Aromatherapy is a holistic approach, which has been shown to help treat a variety of diseases and conditions by helping to correct imbalances in your body – arthritis pain is certainly one. Cinnamon essential oils come from throughout the plant kingdom and are really the 'essence' of a particular plant, tree, flower or shrub. Most importantly, Cinnamon essential oils also make you feel good! An aroma therapist can choose the best oils for you.

Various essential oils have been associated with relieving arthritis pain:

Cinnamon essential oil is definitely good for arthritis pain as it is anti-inflammatory and helps to relieve muscle stiffness and pain. It can also help in recovering from an illness. A few drops of cinnamon essential oil can be used in your bath, as well as as a compress as described below. Warm compresses are one of the most effective ways to relieve pain and reduce joint swelling.

Add 3 to 6 drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water NOT boiling as this is going to get on your skin!. Soak a cotton cloth in the mixture and squeeze until it stops dripping. Apply the cloth to the affected area. Drape a towel over the cloth to keep in the heat. When it cools down just repeat two to three times.

You can also rub diluted essential oil on your skin. Add two to three drops to vegetable oil or skin cream. 97% vegetable oil or 3% essential oil in a cream is generally considered safe and effective. Remember that essential oils are very potent so treat them with care and do your research before applying them to your skin. Rub a diluted version of one or more of the above essential oils during the day on affected areas as well as pulse points on the inside of the wrist, for example, to help reduce pain.

It is important to buy high-grade pure Cinnamon essential oils. Most health food stores carry a wide range of Cinnamon essential oils. Also, using cinnamon bark (as you can buy at your local supermarket) with honey in warm water can do wonders for arthritis. You shouldn't be drinking cinnamon essential oil! See my article "Relieve Arthritis Pain with Honey and Cinnamon" for more information.

From the above, you can see that consulting an expert is a good idea as he or she can guide you as to which essential oils are best for your individual situation.