High School Handbook

Welcome to the High school Handbook!

Here is a greeting from our high school principals introducing you to our program, and below you will find information specific to the high school.

Instructional Model

The high school instructional model will rely on:

In this educational model, teaching and learning includes the accessibility of teachers during normal school hours via communication tools such as email, phone, texting, instant messaging, and Class Connect live sessions. This could involve individual students, small groups or large group instruction. In addition, students participate in online threaded academic discussions and class postings.

Students participate in school on a daily basis for an average of 7-8 hours.   Students will be assessed frequently to determine achievement in their scheduled courses.  Satisfactory performance is based on student participation in online discussions and online threaded discussions, submitted writings, projects, portfolios, quizzes, additional supporting assignments, unit tests, and final exams. Students and parents can view grades, student progress, and the amount of time the student spends in each class at any time on the D2L, online platform.

Career learning at OHVA

Ohio Virtual Academy with Stride Career Prep teaches career skills students need to be successful after high school. In addition to core courses required for graduation, students' electives allow them to explore different career fields and gain skills that can help them be successful in the workplace and in college. Whether students intend to go to college, are working in their career field now, or plan to start their career right out of high school, the occupational programs offered can combine passion and interests with the skills needed to compete for jobs in high-demand fields.

For more information, visit our Career Technical Education Page.

Career Center Guidelines for Students Participating in External CTE Programs

If OHVA does not offer a CTE program in which a student is interested, an additional option is to pursue CTE through an external Career Center while still being enrolled at OHVA.  It is imperative that students work closely with their counselors both at OHVA and the Career Center to ensure they are meeting all graduation requirements.

Students must follow all rules and guidelines required by the Career Tech Center and by Ohio Virtual Academy.  All paperwork required for admission to a CTC is the responsibility of the student.  Students must provide ample time for counselors and administrators to sign necessary paperwork (like attendance forms) for CTC programs. This is not the responsibility of OHVA.

Eligibility requirements:

The CTC creates its own process for selection/admission.   Ohio Virtual Academy will support recommendations a CTC makes for admission to their specific program(s).

If a student is suspended or expelled from the CTC, OHVA administration will review the terms of the suspension/expulsion and make a decision. Students may be suspended or expelled from OHVA, as well, based on the findings 

Class Connect Policy

It is the belief of The Ohio Virtual Academy that attendance at “live”, synchronous class sessions called “Class Connects” are critical in strengthening the understandings that students gain in independent study. 21st Century Skills such as collaboration, clear communication (both written and verbal), and critical thinking are all necessary for the workforce and higher education and therefore are a focus in these sessions. The following are our expectations for Class Connect sessions:

Course Materials

Students will be provided with materials to use in specific high school courses; however, the majority of coursework will be accessed on-line through the Learning Management System (LMS) and via the student’s teachers. Students will be expected to return some items at the end of the year (except for any optional materials students purchase).

Course Communication and Feedback

Teachers will provide specific and quality feedback on students assignments and work on a weekly basis.  Teachers and staff will provide weekly course communication on class connect, announcements and lessons.

Grading policy and procedure

Students’ grades will be determined based on how students perform on teacher-graded activities within each course. Teacher-graded activities will include some and/or all of the following:

Grade Point Average and Credits will be calculated at the end of each semester. Courses are one semester long and worth .5 credits.

Credit Recovery courses are designed to be completed in 8-9 weeks. Failure to complete courses in this time frame may result in removal from the Credit Recovery program or the inability to recover credits.

 Students are expected to submit assignments on the day indicated in the class plan.  Failure to complete an assignment on the due date could result in an overdue notice.

Assignment deadlines are meant to keep students on track to finish the course on time and to ensure they are learning to their highest potential.

“0’s” are seen as a temporary grade until you make arrangements with your teachers to master the content and regain credit. The removal of zeroes is at the discretion of the teacher.

Teacher Late Policies are provided within each teacher’s course..

Teachers will make every attempt to return graded assignments in 3 work days.  Longer assignments may take up to one week in order to provide thorough feedback.

Extra credit is to be no more than 5% of the semester grade.

The Honor Roll is based on Semester Averages:

•       3.5-3.74 Honors

•       3.75-4.0 High Honors

•       Honor Roll Lists will be posted after 1st and 2nd Semesters on the OHVA website.

 If you have concerns about your grade, please contact your teacher directly.

 Medical Incompletes are to be approved by your grade-level principal at least 2 weeks prior to the end of the semester.

Grading Scale and GPA Points

Weighted/Non-Weighted Courses

Weighted courses will be given an additional one quality point added to each letter grade:

Report Cards

At the conclusion of each quarter, students will be notified of their progress and parents are encouraged to fully review the online class gradebooks. At the semester, grade reports will include semester grades and semester grade point averages. First semester reports will be sent via the school supported communication system. Year-end grade reports, sent via the school supported communication system, will include final course grades, cumulative grade point average, and class rank (seniors only). Note: Students and learning coaches can access student grades at any time in each course.

Grade Point Average

Grade point averages are determined by dividing the number of quality points achieved by the number of credits received.   GPAs are determined on a semester-basis only.   The cumulative (composite) GPA is determined using the semester averages beginning with the first semester of the freshmen year.   All GPA’s and class rankings are calculated and tracked within PowerSchool.

Course Selection and Scheduling

Students will be asked for input concerning course selection each year. The courses scheduled for the student will be determined by the following criteria: availability of the course;  previous  courses  completed;  courses  needed  to  meet  Ohio  graduation requirements and OHVA requirements.  School counselors will advise students on the best path to reach graduation.

 Course Changes

Once a course is assigned and classes have begun, course change requests must be communicated to and supported by the student’s school counselor during the first 2 weeks of the student’s enrollment in the course.   Course additions will be made based on availability of the course and on review of credits by the student’s School counselor. Students may not simply cease working in a course and assume that they are no longer enrolled or accountable for progress and attendance in that course. Incomplete course work will receive an  F  on  the  grade card, resulting  in a  drop  in  the  student’s  overall quarterly and cumulative GPA. Consideration may be given to modifying the course level assignment at the conclusion of a semester if it recommended by the current teacher, and approved by the receiving teacher and/or counselor (example: Comprehensive to Honors).

 Course Credit

High school graduation is based on the accumulation of high school credits. In order for students to move up from one course level to the next in courses where there are pre- requisite skills, full course credit must be earned in the prior level course.  Grade-level promotions  take place  once  a  year except by permission of  the Principal (see  section entitled Grade Promotion/Class Placement). Actual percentages earned rather than letter grades are used to calculate final grades. Grades for each semester are recorded as letter grades.

Course Failure and Repeat Credit

Students are permitted to retake failed courses. Failed courses will be recorded as an “F” on the student’s transcript,  and  a  zero  will  be  computed  as  the  quality  point  for  the course  in  determining  the GPA. Courses required for graduation must be retaken until they are passed. The lower (failing) grade will be removed and replaced by the passing letter grade on the student’s transcript.  The (failing) grade may only be replaced by retaking and passing the same exact course that was previously failed.   Credit Recovery courses do not replace previously failed courses on the transcript but will appear as an additional course.

Course Audit

Students    in high school   can   audit   courses   which   they   have   already   passed. Administrative approval is mandatory.  Students are required to attend any class connect session that  is  labeled as  “required” and  complete participation  in all teacher assigned course work is required to maintain audit status.

*No Grade will be given for the course audit

*No Credit will be given for the course audit

*The course will not appear on official transcripts

Failure to comply with the classroom procedures and requirements will result in removal from the course. Students may only participate in a course audit if they are in good standing academically.  OHVA  administration will  have  the  final  approval  on  all course audits.

 Credit Recovery

The goal of Credit Recovery is to give high school students the opportunity to graduate in a timely manner. This program has policies and procedures that allow students who have failed core courses (courses required for graduation) an opportunity to take a previously failed course at an accelerated pace. OHVA students may participate in Credit Recovery by adhering to the guidelines outlined below.

Any student failing one or more core courses in grades 9-12 may be placed in the Credit Recovery program. Credit Recovery coursework/assessments are modified and constructed to be completed in an 8-9 week time frame.

The courses in Credit Recovery are not intended to aid in early graduation. The courses are

designed to help students who have fallen behind, get back on track with their graduating class.

Placement and use of Credit Recovery courses are at the sole discretion of the Grade

Level Principal. Failure to comply with credit recovery policies may result in removal from the program and impact the student’s ability to graduate.

Pre-High School Credit

Middle school students may complete high school courses for high school credit if approved for placement into the courses by MS/HS Principals. Courses receiving high school credit become the basis for the student’s official high school transcript All High School level work, regardless of final grade will be entered onto the student’s transcript as a permanent record. In the case where a student finds themselves struggling, students may drop courses for high school credit within 2 weeks of the start of the class. 

Middle School Students Taking High School Courses

Middle School students may be considered to take High School level courses for credit in: Math and ELA.

Middle School students are not eligible for High School level courses in: Science, Social Studies, PE/Health, or Foreign Languages.


In order to take high school level courses, Middle School students must have demonstrated an advanced ability in these areas. Approval will be based on past engagement and mastery of material including any pre-requisite High School level courses.


Pre-Requisites include, but are not limited to:

English Language Arts

• Student is in the 85th percentile or higher on the spring MAP test in ELA.

• Student is on track/ahead with current Middle School courses

• Proficient AIR State Test Score if available.

• Demonstrates discipline and independence.

• Student logs in on their own and completes work as required without prompting on behalf of teacher.

• Student attends CCs as required.



• Student is in the 85th percentile or higher on the spring MAP test in Math.

• Student is on track/ahead with current Middle School courses.

• Proficient AIR Test Score if available.

• Demonstrates discipline and independence.

• Student logs in on their own and completes work as required without prompting on behalf of teacher

• Student attends CCs as required.


Final determination will be made by the Middle School and/or the High School Principal.

Other electives are not approved for Middle School students.

Students requesting High School courses will be required to attend a live or recorded orientation session as the expectations differ from Middle School courses and submit an “I understand” document prior to enrolling in courses.

Transfer students will be placed in a matching course schedule but must provide a current report card or progress report and complete the orientation/I Understand requirements listed above.

Summer School 

OHVA offers a variety of courses in both core subject areas and electives for our summer school program. Students may apply to complete 1 to 2 courses per term, with two terms offered each summer. Generally, the first term runs through the month of June and the second term runs through July; exact dates are provided in the application process. Summer school courses are available on a limited basis. Priority will be given to students who are:

Students will be required to:

Report Cards

At the conclusion of each quarter, students will be notified of their progress and parents are encouraged to fully review the online class gradebooks.  At the semester, grade reports will include semester grades and semester grade point averages. First semester reports will be sent via US mail. Year-end grade reports, sent via US mail, will include final course grades, cumulative grade point average, and class rank. Note: Students and learning coaches can access student grades at any time in each course.

Transferring Course Credit/Mid-Year Course Placements

Students who enter OHVA after the official start of the school year, and who provide a current grade card or transcript showing courses in progress and current achievement in the course(s), will be placed into the corresponding course(s) at the appropriate starting points in the curriculum.

OHVA teachers may request assessments in order to determine the most appropriate placement within the OHVA course. The OHVA teacher will adjust the placement to take into consideration past performance and prior learning which has been verified on the student’s transcript or grade card from their most recent school and OHVA course assessments.

A  final  determination  on  course  placement,  placement  within  individual  courses,  and quarter  and semester grades rests with the individual subject teachers, school counselor, and principal.

If a student was not taking a corresponding course in their previous educational setting, it may be difficult to successfully complete the course prior to the quarter’s end due to the rigorous nature of the OHVA curriculum. In this case, the student will receive no academic credit or grade for the course.  Students entering from home schooling must provide evidence of the curriculum plan submitted to their local school district.  These students may be asked to participate in course assessments or other assessment testing in order to better determine the course placement within the K12 curriculum.

Transfer Students

Students   who   enter   OHVA   with   grades   and   credits   earned   are   subject   to   those grades/credits conforming to OHVA’s grading scales and GPA weighting. Students who transfer from out of state or from private schools (in state or out) may have the potential of reduced state testing.

Determining Class Rank

Class rank is a numerical rank assigned to students according to their cumulative grade point average relative to their classmates.  All academic subjects are used in computing class rank; however, the following prioritization of academic courses will be used in cases where more than one student  is positioned at the identical class rank position:

●    K12 courses take precedence over all courses

●    Enrollment approved date

●    Enrollment application date

Valedictorian and Salutatorian Determination

The selection process for determining valedictorian and salutatorian recognition (overall class rank of number one and number two respectively), is determined at the end of seven academic semesters. To be eligible for valedictory or salutatory honors, a student must have attended Ohio Virtual Academy High School for at least four semesters, including both semesters of the senior year. Students who finish high school at the end of the first semester of their senior year are not eligible for valedictorian or salutatorian honors.

Grade Point Average

Grade point averages are determined by dividing the number of quality points achieved by the number of credits received.   GPAs are determined on a semester-basis only.   The cumulative (composite) GPA is determined using the semester averages beginning with the first semester of the freshmen year, unless high school credit courses were taken during middle school.   All GPA’s and class rankings are calculated and tracked within PowerSchool.

 Grade Promotion/Class Placement

Students move from one grade level to another at the conclusion of each school year based on the year they enter high school. This does not guarantee that a student will graduate in four years. Students must earn   the   correct   number   of   credits   in   the   state-required areas in  order to graduate. See “OHVA Graduation Requirements” on the following pages.

Students will be considered on track for graduation based on the following credit guidelines:


Graduation Equivalency Degree (GED)

For questions regarding the GED process please contact your school counselor as the first step. GED eligibility is subject to the state requirements and can be viewed on the Ohio Department of Education’s website.

Graduation Requirements

For detailed information about graduation requirements, visit this page.

College Readiness Testing

ACT Test: OHVA high school code number is 365-143. Students and parents need to register on their own. Use this code number to complete student ACT Registration online at: http://www.actstudent.org

For schedules and details, refer to the above ACT website. Students will need to upload a digital photo of themselves when registering for the ACT. For additional questions, contact your guidance counselor.

SAT Test:     OHVA high school code number is 365-143. Students and parents need to register on their own. Use this code number to complete student SAT Registration online at: http://www.collegeboard.com

Students will need to upload a digital photo of themselves when registering for the SAT or SAT Subject Tests online. Please visit this site for SAT information: http://sat.collegeboard.org/register/sat-dates

Military Access to Students and Student information

Unless a parent or legal guardian requests otherwise, federal law requires that all schools and colleges provide military recruiter’s access to students.  This access to students includes the release of names, addresses, and telephone numbers.      The school will release information to military recruiters unless a student’s  school  counselor  receives  a  formal written request  from  the  parent  asking  that  their information be withheld. A form will be provided for this purpose upon request.

School Counselor services 9-12

All 9-12 students will be assigned a dedicated School Counselor. School Counselors provide assistance to students as they learn to make decisions. School Counselors provide programs that will enhance student growth in three domain areas: academic development, career development, and social/emotional development.

It is the high school counselor’s role to provide guidance to students as they make choices, especially regarding:

Academic Development – Choosing courses suited to a student’s needs, abilities, achievement levels, and future goals in relation to their overall four-year plan and post-secondary plans.

Career Development – Exploring various career fields, identifying careers of interest, and learning what it takes to achieve personal career goals.

Social/Emotional Development – Understanding emotions, the student’s personal values, and relationships with their family, friend groups, and at school.

In addition, the following services are provided throughout the school year:

Individual Counseling – When a student feels the need to talk to someone about a personal crisis and doesn’t feel as if they can speak with a parent or other adult family member, the student may contact a school counselor.

Parent Conferences – Counselors can help parents explore various educational and personal opportunities for their students.

Information – Counselors provide information about career development, career-technical information, preparing for college, Armed Services, financial aid, College Credit Plus, and scholarships for post-high school education. ACT and SAT registration information is also available.

Small Support Groups – During the school year, the school counselor will provide small groups for students identified by staff, parents, or themselves who need extra support academically and/or socially/emotionally. 

Student Activities

Students are encouraged to participate in both online club activities and required to attend Face-to-Face (F2F) school events. Legal Guardians of students that wish to participate in clubs will receive a separate club participation form. OHVA and Stride National Club information can be found at https://www.smore.com/r259x-ohva-clubs. Students should be in good academic standing to participate in clubs.   More information can be found on this page. 

Surrogate parents for children with disabilities

A surrogate parent will be appointed if no parent can be identified, the parent cannot be located, the child is a ward of the state or the child is an unaccompanied homeless youth as defined by the McKinney- Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The appointment may either be made by a court or the Head of School in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) and the Operating Standards for Ohio’s Educational Agencies Serving Children with Disabilities.  An individual who serves as a surrogate parent for a child with a disability is appointed to act in place of a parent to make educational decisions for the child, such as all matters relating to the child’s identification, evaluation and educational placement and in the provision of a free appropriate public education.

The Head of School may appoint an individual, as a surrogate parent, if all four conditions below apply. The appointed surrogate must:

The  Head  of  School  may  consult  with  OHVA’s  sponsor,  Ohio  Council  of  Community Schools,  for assistance in determining whether a child needs a surrogate parent as well as appointing an appropriate surrogate parent for a child.

Work Permits

Contact your school counselor for a work permit application.

Only one work permit can be issued at a time. If a student gets a new job, the previous work permit will be revoked and a new work permit must be issued. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the school counselor of any changes.

Students must be passing two-thirds of their current courses in order to have a work permit issued. A Work permit can be revoked if student falls below passing requirement.

More information is available here.

College Credit plus (CCP)

This is a program that allows qualified middle and high school students (grades 7-12) the opportunity to earn college AND high school credit while still attending middle/high school.  See our CCP page for more detailed information.

OHVA Assumption Provision

OHVA assumes no responsibility for information obtained via the Internet, which may be illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or offensive. OHVA assumes no responsibility for any claims, losses, damages, costs, or other obligations arising from the use of instructional computing resources. OHVA also denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through user access. Any statement, accessible on the computer network or the Internet, is understood to be the author’s individual point of view and not that of OHVA, its affiliates, or its employees. OHVA assumes no responsibility for damages to the user’s computer system.

Nothing in  this policy  negates any  obligation  the  student  and  parent  have to  use  the instructional  computing   resources  as   required  in  the  Use  of  Instructional  Property Agreement ("Agreement") the parent or guardian signed as part of the student's enrollment packet.  In  the  event  that  this  Code  conflicts  with  the  Agreement,  the  terms  of  the Agreement shall prevail.

OHVA Student Code of Conduct and Behavioral Expectations

Visit our Code of Conduct Page for detailed information.

Ohio Virtual Academy Crest

The shape of our Ohio Virtual Academy Crest is based on our state—Ohioand communicates one very unique element of our school—we are a statewide school with students in all 88 Ohio counties.

The laurel leaves on each side of the crest signify triumph. Our OHVA students set an academic goal to graduate from high school and the crest, which is printed on the graduation memorabilia and diplomas, announces to all that they have achieved victory over ignorance and illiteracy.

The pen and parchment reflect our students’ academic and scholarly achievement—the basis for our school’s curriculum and our efforts as teachers, parents administrators support staff and Board to provide students with an innovative and effective educational program.

The torch symbolizes truth and intelligence—values which we have sought to instill in our students as they develop as young adults and scholars during their formative years in OHVA.

The lamp is indicative of the light which illuminates the pathway to life’s abundance and spiritual journey.

The cardinal is a recognizable image associated with OHVA and appears in our marketing and other printed materials. The cardinal is the official state bird of Ohio. Cardinals can be found in all 88 counties in Ohio.

Who do you call and When do you call them?

Classroom Teacher

Class Content QuestionsQuestions on Graded Work Working Ahead or Catching UpAssignment SubmissionsAll Course Issues

Academic Advisor

Online Orientation Questions Questions about Supplies and Materials Change of Address or EmailAttendance and Progress MonitoringTime ManagementSetting Up Your Learning Environment Unresolved Teacher/Classroom Issues State Test Scheduling

School Counselor

Personal/Family issues which interfere with student success in schoolCollege and Career InformationWork Permits, Official Forms AP and College Credit PlusACT, SAT, PSAT, other testing questionsCredits and GraduationAdding and Dropping Classes and Scholarship Questions Transcripts

Intervention Specialist 

Accommodations or Modifications IEP Questions Special Ed PoliciesState TestingAccommodations StudyCourse Assistance Class Content Questions

OHVA: 1-419-482-0948 + Extension (Each staff member has an extension.) Still not sure who you should contact? Please email your advisor and he or she can direct you appropriately.

Ohio Virtual Academy Handbook acceptance agreement

Complete the Handbook Acknowledgment form below or linked here

Note:  This required form also includes information about the FERPA notice and Directory information.  

Upon the start of each school year or upon enrollment approval, students and parents/learning coaches are provided with the handbook via email, and the school website. All students/families should read and review the policies and procedures and reach out as needed for any clarification. The school will follow all policies and procedures in the handbook and will act accordingly to hold all parties accountable to its content. Thank you in advance for your commitment to be informed, and we trust the handbook will be an important resource for you.


These policies shall be made available in the School Handbook and can be amended at any time, as needed and required by the daily activities and directives of the OHVA administration and/or School Board and in accordance with state law.


The Ohio Virtual Academy is a community school established under Chapter 3314 of the Revised Code. The school is a public school and students enrolled in and attending the school are required to take diagnostic and achievement tests and other examinations as prescribed by law. In addition, there may be other requirements for students at the school that are prescribed law. Students who have been excused from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education as defined by the Administrative Code shall no longer be excused for that purpose upon their enrollment in a community school. For more information on this matter, contact the school administrator or the Ohio Department of Education.

The Ohio Virtual Academy is a community school established under Chapter 3314 of the Revised Code. The school is a public school and students enrolled in and attending the school are required to take diagnostic and achievement tests and other examinations prescribed by law. In addition, there may be other requirements for students at the school that are prescribed by law. Students who have been excused from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education as defined by the Administrative Code shall no longer be excused for that purpose upon their enrollment in a community school. For more information on this matter, contact the school administration or the Ohio Department of Education.