About Us

Ohio Virtual Academy (OHVA) was incorporated in the state of Ohio in May of 2002 and operates as an Ohio public community school.  It is a non-profit community (charter) school that is funded by state revenue, governed by and subject to Ohio state charter-school laws, applicable federal laws, and the terms of its contract with its charter sponsor.

OHVA is currently chartered in Lucas County through a charter contract with the Ohio Council of Community Schools with the authority for operating OHVA vested in its Board of Trustees (Governing Board).

The OHVA Board of Trustees has secured the curriculum, technical, and management services of K12 Virtual Schools LLC, a provider of virtual education to students throughout the United States and around the world. 

 OHVA's school offices are located in Maumee, Ohio.  OHVA teachers, all Ohio-licensed and Highly Qualified according to the federal Common Core State Standards, are located throughout the state of Ohio and teach students based on their areas of expertise and licensure.

View information about our academic program and our vision and purpose statement below.

What drives us?

Academic Program

OHVA's academic program, which includes the K12 Curriculum, teacher-led Class Connect sessions, and additional instructional resources, is designed to help your child meet or exceed state, national, and international standards.  For an overview of the educational approach and curriculum, visit K12's website at http://www.k12.com

Schoolwork Expectations

The Online School (OLS)

Online Middle and high school (OMHS)

The learning coach’s and student’s daily work centers around the Online School/Online Middle and High School, or OLS/OMHS. The OLS/OMHS provides the centralized space to access K12 lessons, live class links, and other instructional tools required in the OHVA academic program. The OLS/OMHS provides access for parents to log student attendance, follow their progress, facilitate lesson planning, and access supplemental teaching tools. Access to the OLS/OMHS and completion of a student’s daily work requires a connection the Internet through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and a unique login for enrolled families.

In the K-5 program, the parent login allows access to all aspects of the OLS/OMHS, including access to all assessments, answer keys, attendance and parent resource materials. In the 6-12 program, the parent can view the student progress and grades, enter attendance and find parent resource materials.

Parents should not give their students access nor permission to use their parent login information. Student logins only permit access to lesson information and curriculum progress. Student logins are required for all students. 

Academic Prevention and Intervention Policy


OHVA’s Academic Prevention and Intervention Policy establishes the classroom-based intervention services available to meet the instructional needs of a student as determined by the results of diagnostic assessments that demonstrate the student might or might not be at risk for academic success. Please refer to the Appendix to view the policy in its entirety.