Graduation Requirements

OHVA follows the graduation requirements set forth by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforc. Use the following link to access a full list of graduation requirements, based on cohort year. 

Criteria for Academic Diploma with Honors

There are currently six Honors Diplomas recognized by the Ohio Department of Education. Below are the Criteria for the Academic Diploma with Honors. Information on the other avenues can be found on the ODEW website.  

In order to receive a Diploma with Honors, students must complete more intensive criteria in mathematics, science and social studies for high school academic and career-technical Diplomas with Honors. A student who completes the OHVA high school academic curriculum must meet at least six of the following seven criteria to be awarded the Diploma with Honors:

Criteria for Career Tech Diploma with Honors

There are currently six Honors Diplomas recognized by the Ohio Department of Education. Below are the Criteria for the Career Tech Diploma with Honors. Information on the other avenues can be found on the ODEW website.  

High-level coursework, college and career readiness tests, and real-world experiences challenge students. A student who completes the OHVA high school career tech curriculum must meet all but one of the following criteria, unless it is a minimum graduation requirement in order to earn the Diploma with Honors:

A diploma with Honors requirements pre-supposes the completion of all high school diploma requirements in the Ohio Revised Code including:

½ unit in physical education**

½ unit in health

½ unit in American history

½ unit in government

½ unit in World history


State TEsting Requirments

The State of Ohio Requires that all OHVA High School students complete the appropriate Ohio State Tests. Students in graduation years 2018 and beyond will take state-provided End-of Course Exams after course completion, and a school selected College Readiness Exam during their 11th grade year. Failure to take State-Required Assessments will jeopardize the student’s continued enrollment in OHVA. It also can prevent students from receiving an Ohio diploma.

For graduation years 2023 and beyond, end-of-course tests will be in English Language Arts II, Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, American History, and American Government. State Testing requirements for graduation years prior to 2023 can be discussed with the school counselor and referenced on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce website. Middle school students who take one of these courses for high school credit must take the corresponding state end-of-course exam.

Students can earn a 1-5 score for each exam, based on their performance.

5 – Advanced

4 – Accelerated

3 – Proficient

2 – Basic

1 – Limited

For more state testing information, see the testing page.

 Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2021 and 2022

Students who entered grade 9 between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2019, will utilize Ohio’s new high school graduation requirements, including earning the state minimum of 20 credits in specific subjects as outlined above AND meet one of the following options.

Option 1

Satisfy one of the three original pathways to graduation that were in place when student entered high school. The pathways include:  

1. Ohio’s State Tests - Earn at least 18 points on seven end-of-course state tests. Each test score earns you up to five graduation points. You must have a minimum of four points in math, four points in English and six points across science and social studies.

2. Industry credential and workforce readiness - Earn a minimum of 12 points by receiving a State Board of Education-approved, industry-recognized credential or group of credentials in a single career field and earn the required score on WorkKeys, a work-readiness test. The state of Ohio will pay one time for you to take the WorkKeys test.  

3. College and career readiness tests - Earn remediation-free scores in mathematics and English language arts on either the ACT or SAT.  

Option 2

Satisfy the new graduation requirements for the classes of 2023 and beyond (see below)

Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2023 and Beyond

Students in the classes of 2018-2022 have the option to meet the new requirements or the requirements of the original three pathways to graduation, while the students in the classes of 2023 and beyond must meet the new requirements. 

Students will be required to earn 20 credits in specific subjects as outlined above, AND will demonstrate competency and readiness as outlined below.

Demonstrate Competency: 

Earn a 684 on Ohio’s Algebra I and English II tests. Students who do not pass the test will be offered additional support and must retake the test at least once. Three additional ways to show competency include:

o   Demonstrate two career-focused activities per ODE guidelines

o   Enlist in the military

o   Complete College Coursework per ODE guidelines

Show Readiness:

Earn two diploma deals, one of which must be Ohio designed

See: Guidance on Local Seals

 More information regarding Ohio’s Graduation requirements and specific guidelines can be found below.

Ohio Virtual Academy’s Career Advising Policy shall be amended to include the following requirements with respect to graduation planning:

Graduation Planning 

A graduation plan will be developed and maintained for each student in grades 9-12. The graduation plan shall address the student’s academic pathway to meet the curriculum requirements specified by OHVA and satisfy the graduation conditions, as appropriate, under Ohio law. The graduation plan shall be developed jointly by the student and a representative of OHVA and shall be updated each school year in which the student is enrolled, until the student qualifies for a high school diploma. The student’s parent, guardian, or custodian shall be invited to assist in developing and updating the graduation plan. A graduation plan developed pursuant to this policy shall supplement the OHVA’s policy on career advising. The individualized education program developed for a student pursuant to O.R.C. §3323.08 may be used in lieu of developing a graduation plan if the individualized education program contains academic goals substantively similar to a graduation plan.

Procedures for Development of Graduation Plan

All high school students and parents are invited to a grade level meeting during semester one, held by the School Counselors, to plan and develop a student graduation plan.

·       During the grade level meeting, School Counselors  review graduation requirements and pathways for the cohort year grade level. The meeting will be recorded and shared with families who are unable to attend.

·       Following this meeting,  all students receive an email from their School Counselor that includes a graduation plan developed for the student. Students will be encouraged to use this plan throughout their high school career. Students will also receive a blank graduation plan that they can use to develop a modified graduation plan to submit to their School Counselor for review and approval. 

·        In addition, School Counselors meet with all 12th graders individually during the first semester of their senior year, to review graduation plans and graduation requirements. 

·       All students, parents and learning coaches also have access to PowerSchool, where they can self-monitor credits and testing progress, including progress towards graduation requirements and meeting the graduation plan.

Identifying Students At-Risk of Not Qualifying for a High School Diploma

High School Administrators, with the assistance of School Counselors, shall develop criteria for identifying students at risk of not qualifying for a high school diploma, which shall include a student’s lack of adequate progress in meeting the terms of a graduation plan as well as other factors, such as if a student has issues regarding excessive absences. Beginning after semester one of the 9th grade, students who are credit deficit will be identified as being at-risk for not qualifying for a high school diploma.

In addition, students who are not on track with credits at the beginning of each school year are also identified as being at-risk for not qualifying for a high school diploma. 

A student’s lack of progress in meeting the terms of a graduation plan shall be a criterion for identifying at-risk students.

Notification Process

After a student is identified as being at-risk of not qualifying for a high school diploma, the following steps will be taken: 

•      Students will be contacted by email at the beginning of each semester by their assigned School Counselor. 

•      During the Fall semester,  students identified as being at-risk are invited to an informational session to review the credit recovery program offered by Ohio Virtual Academy. 

•      During the Spring semester, this information  is again made available to all students identified as being at-risk through a recording that is shared in a second email. During these informational sessions, School Counselors  review graduation requirements, and  discuss how OHVA’s credit recovery program can help students get back on track to meet  graduation requirements and qualify for a high school diploma.

•      At the end of each school year, a separate written notification will be emailed to an at-risk student’s parent, guardian or custodian. This written notification shall include all of the following: 1. A statement that the student is at risk of not qualifying for a high school diploma; 2. A description of OHVA’s curriculum requirements, or the student’s individualized education program, and, as appropriate, the student’s graduation pathway options; and 3. A description of any additional instructional or support services offered by OHVA and available to the at-risk student.

Ohio Virtual Academy assists at-risk students with additional instructional or support services to help meet graduation requirements, including the following:

•      Mentoring/tutoring programs with Impact Academy

•      End of Course competency scores and course credit

•      Credit Recovery Program 

•      Mental health services including  Crisis Support Team and Student Support Groups

•      iSupport Tutors

•      EL Support

•      Learning Coach support sessions

Ohio Virtual Academy also assists students at-risk of dropping out of school with additional instructional or support services including the development of a Student Success Plan as further explained in the Career Advising Policy.

P.E. Waivers

The P.E. Waiver is a way to complete physical education requirements. With a P.E. waiver, students receive no credit and no grade. Students are waived from taking P.E. classes. A student may waive Physical Education classes by completing two full seasons of interscholastic athletics, cheerleading, or marching band. Should a student become injured or not complete the season for ANY reason, they must find an alternate way to satisfy their P.E. requirement. 

Participation in Interscholastic athletics, marching band, or cheerleading prior to the 2011-2012 school year does not apply. For more information regarding the state's policies regarding visit this website. 

Transfer students must provide OHVA with documentation of a PE waiver used at their previous district if it is not identified on the transcript.

A student interested in a P.E. Waiver must:

 The following due dates apply for intent: Fall Sports - August 30th, Winter Sports-November 30th, Spring Sports-March 30th.

 What is the best way for your child to satisfy the P.E. Requirement? P.E. Waiver

P.E. Credit  Flexibility

Early Graduation/ Early Graduation PRocedures

Students desiring early graduation from Ohio Virtual Academy shall meet the following requirements:

 Students desiring early graduation are to observe the following procedures:

The approval form will be evaluated by the early graduation committee consisting of school administration, school counselor and a general education teacher to determine whether the request meets the criteria for early graduation. The request for early graduation will be presented by the Administration to the OHVA Head of School or designee for approval.

The student may take part in the graduation ceremony of their graduating class.

Commencement Exercises

A student may participate in the high school graduation exercises only if they have successfully completed all course requirements as stipulated by the Ohio State Department of Education, and the Ohio Virtual Academy (as depicted in this handbook), including passing all State Required Testing,  and/or meeting all graduation requirements for their graduation cohort year. Students completing graduation requirements after graduation exercises have been conducted may receive diplomas through the mail after requirements have been confirmed. Commencement and other programs and ceremonies are privileges that can be withdrawn as a part of disciplinary action for a violation of the Student Conduct Code.

NOn Graduation Notice

Students who will not be able to complete graduation requirements by the last day of school of their graduating year, will be notified by their school counselor. The notification will be via email to the learning coach/student with an attached letter.  This communication will be sent by the end of April each year. The notice will include the date, reason for not meeting graduation requirements, next steps for support/academic planning, and the statement that “failure to graduate on time from high school could impact a student’s ability to be accepted into colleges/universities in the State of Ohio”.

Transcript Requests

To request a high school transcript, access THIS FORM.  Final Transcripts will be available for request through the link within one week after the graduation ceremony.