State Testing

State Testing

The Ohio Virtual Academy is a community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code. The school is a public school and students enrolled in and attending the school are required to take proficiency tests and other examinations prescribed by law. In addition, there may be other requirements for students at the school that are prescribed by law. Students who have been excused from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education as defined by the Administrative Code shall no longer be excused for that purpose upon their enrollment in a community school. For more information about this matter contact the school administration or the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce has established a plan to assess the academic proficiency of public school students in the state. OHVA students are required to participate in the state diagnostic, Ohio State Assessments according to the parameters and schedule that have been established by the state. State assessments and tests are administered at regional testing sites. Parents must make arrangements for transportation to ensure their child’s presence at all required state tests and are expected to help the school comply with OHVA’s responsibility to fulfill the state testing requirements.

Per the Ohio Revised Code 3314.26(A), any student who, for two consecutive school years, has failed to participate in the spring administration of any assessment prescribed under section 3301.0710 or 3301.0712 of the Revised Code for the student's grade level and was not excused from the assessment pursuant to division (C)(1) or (3) of section 3301.0711 of the Revised Code, regardless of whether a waiver was granted for the student under division (L)(3) of section 3314.08 of the Revised Code, shall be withdrawn from OHVA and reported to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce as required. Students withdrawn according to the standards of Ohio Revised Code 3314.26 are not eligible for re-entry until two (2) full academic years have passed from the time of the withdrawal from Ohio Virtual Academy. 

State assessments are used to evaluate the school and are reported on the State Report Card. In addition, individual student results are used to support a student’s academic needs. More information regarding the state assessments, including an up-to-date test schedule, can be accessed by visiting the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce website.

High School College Readiness Testing

Ohio Graduation Tests for graduation years 2007-2017 and State End of Course exams for graduation years 2018 and beyond are required for all students enrolled in OHVA. As of 2017 OHVA also started administering the State required College Readiness Exam to all students in their junior year.  This test will be the school district’s choice of ACT and will be free of charge for families/students. Failure to take State-Required Graduation Assessments will jeopardize the student’s continued enrollment in OHVA. It also can prevent students from receiving an Ohio diploma.

ACT Test

ACT Test: OHVA high school code number is 365-143. Students and parents need to register on their own. Use this code number to complete student ACT Registration online at:

For schedules and details, refer to the above ACT website. Students will need to upload a digital photo of themselves when registering for the ACT. For additional questions, contact your guidance counselor.

SAT Test

OHVA high school code number is 365-143. Students and parents need to register on their own. Use this code number to complete student SAT Registration online at:

Students will need to upload a digital photo of themselves when registering for the SAT or SAT Subject Tests online. Please visit this site for SAT information:

High School End Of Course Assessments

In addition to course credit requirements, students will earn points toward graduation on seven end-of- course exams. These exams replaced the Ohio Graduation Tests.

The courses in which students take an end-of-course exam will be: English I and II, Algebra I or Integrated Math I, Geometry or Integrated Math II, Physical Science or Biology, American History and American Government. Beginning in 2015-16 districts may have the option to use the state end-of-course exams to replace their current course final exams and use the state’s test as part of the class grade. This will help avoid double testing in future years.  Students entering 9th grade in Fall 2019 will not be required to take the English I exam.

Students can earn from 1-5 points for each exam, based on their performance.

5 – Advanced

4 – Accelerated

3 – Proficient

2 – Basic

1 – Limited

 A student who earned high school credit in any of the above courses before July 1, 2015 and a required end-of-course exam was not available automatically will receive a score based on their transcript grade. Middle school students who take one of these courses for high school credit must take the corresponding state end-of-course exam.

Exam Retakes

 Students that score below proficient on an exam may retake it after they receive some extra help on the material. Students that score proficient or higher on an end of course exam can retake exams only if, they have not met the minimum graduation points to graduate after completing all required exams. In this case, a student can retake any exam after receiving some extra help on the material. The same rules apply to substitute exams, which may be used interchangeably with approved tests.

See also, Graduation Requirements