
2023/12/18 歡迎物理系大三學生王卉榆加入ODSOS Lab~ 

2023/11/01 恭喜大四專題生黃羿竣同學獲得物理專題競賽優勝~

2023/10/05 恭喜張勝雄老師獲得中原大學執行國家科學及技術委員會112學年度補助大專院校-研究獎勵

2023/09/03 歡迎物理系大二學生瑜甄加入ODSOS Lab~

2023/08/16 歡迎碩士生Raneem及物理系大三學生閻以箴、曾芷嫻加入ODSOS Lab~ 

2023/07/18 恭喜張文馨通過碩士論文口試

2023/06/20 恭喜林佳臻通過碩士論文口試

2023/06/19 恭喜專題生黃羿竣獲得112學年度國科會大專生研究計畫案補助-透過觀察自我活化鈣鈦礦太陽能電池研究碘遷移之過程

2023/06/01 歡迎專題生張文玟(Wen-Wen Chang)加入ODSOS Lab~

2023/04/12 Our first Back Cover was publised by Nanoscale Advances

2023/02/17 The setup of our two-photon emission spectrometer was installed in the Research Center for Semiconductor Materials and Advanced Optics

2023/02 Prof. Chang was invited as a Topcial Advisory Panel Member of Polymers (2021 IF: 4.967, Q1)

2023/01/12  Congratulations! Anjali Chandel passed her PhD dissertation defense!

2023/01/02  ODSOS Lab's first impedance spectrum was obtained by using a home-made measurement system (LabVIEW program + NI DAQ + external circuit in series)  in December 2022. The measurement frequency is ranging from 1000 Hz to 0.5 MHz. After getting the impedance spectrum, the capacitance value and dielectric response (real part and imaginary part of dielectric constant) can be calculated by using the governing equations for capacitors.