Status: Healthy
Bag contains bandages, some food, and a hex key.
Really wants his camera back
Doesn't trust himself to do things most of the time
Using his knowlage from back home to aid Telex the best he can, It's not working too well but t's been helpful at one instance
Scared to sleep alone, and Telex keeps sleeping away from Subhome. Well guess what's hapening ;)
Electrokinesis, he comes from a planet that has electricity flowing through It n stuff, what'cha 'spect? Also immune to electric shocks
Primary language Is just made of clicks and chittering and occasipnally has static sounds and other random sounds thrown In, english Is secondary
Confusion: %20
Tiredness: %45
Presence: %95
Will: %95
General mental wellbeing: %75
Strength: %100
Speed: %80
Sustenance: %90
Magic: %95
General physical wellbeing: %90
Subhome Is an alien that got sent by his fellow aliens to where he Is now, because he was annoying... It;s beem a decade since It happened, and Subhome has become known for taking picutres of peole he likes even when they don't realize It... but suddenly Ocustraplasia came along!! In the panic, Subhome lost his beloved camera, and he's really sad about It. He managed to find a place to ide, and there was Telex who entered. So now someone he really wanted to spend time with Is here with him, and he's happy! Thye don't seem to be but hey at least he Is!
Subhome Is a bundle of joy and a bit annoying, but then again his fellow aliens thoguth so to, which Is why tjey sent him away. He really wants to make friends with Telex but Telex seems to not like him, only being somehwat nice to him. Subhome has gotten a bit paranoid over the coming days, seriously how long can the two live for here? What's up with Telex's frequent headaces? Something's terribly wrong/..
Bag of items