The Oxford Buddhist Studies Society is a friendly and inclusive space for students of all backgrounds – graduates, undergraduates, historians, anthropologists, practitioners, and more – to come together and explore their shared interests in Buddhism and Buddhist studies. Whether you wish to learn more about Buddhism, promote physical and mental well-being, or celebrate the diverse cultural aspects of Buddhism, our society is for you.

Life membership costs just £10 which gives free entry to all of our meditation sessions and academic events.  Join us for a variety of social and academic events, including meditation sessions, film screenings, museum trips, and academic seminars and lectures. Let's connect, learn, and grow together!

How to be a member?

Simply come along to one of our events and tell our treasurer that you want to join. They will be standing by the door with the society's cashbox, so you can’t miss them! 

How to be on our mailing list?

Anyone can add themselves to the list. Just fill in the form below and you will be added to our mailing list. You will receive updates on our activities.

We look forward to seeing you!