



OBSS Logo designed by Bingshen Yuan & Danqi Yuan


Welcome to the Oxford Buddhist Studies Society!

Welcome, and rejoice! The Oxford Buddhist Studies Society is a friendly and inclusive space for students of all backgrounds – graduates, undergraduates, historians, anthropologists, practitioners, and more – to come together and explore their shared interests in Buddhism and Buddhist studies. Whether you wish to learn more about Buddhism, promote physical and mental well-being, or celebrate the diverse cultural aspects of Buddhism, our society is for you. Join us for a variety of social and academic events, including meditation sessions, film screenings, museum trips, and academic seminars and lectures. Let's connect, learn, and grow together!

Our club offers both social and academic events. For social events, we hold fortnightly film screenings related to Buddhism and Buddhist culture, and weekly meditation sessions open to all members. Additionally, during vacation periods, we plan museum trips to appreciate the beauty of Buddhist heritage and art. Join our vibrant community and enjoy a rich, diverse, and fulfilling experience at the Oxford Buddhist Studies Society! 

In our "Research in Progress" seminars, we invite DPhil students to discuss their experiences and insights in the field of Buddhist Studies. In our "Research in Buddhist Studies" lecture series, prominent scholars deliver talks on a variety of topics to inspire graduate students and promote international exchanges.