A Homeopathic Uranium Preparation

These are notes from the assembly of a uranium based homeopathic preparation.


Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and Mason, first published the ideas of Homeopathy in 1796. All of his research methodology and results are well recorded and available copyright free online. Doing this experiment, I have adhered exactly to the routine/system which he laid out.

Experiment sequence

A little chunk of uranium ore I use as a test sample for calibrating Geiger counters. This ore might very well be from the Ruggles mine right over in NH, you can pay a fee and go prospect for it yourself. It is pretty common in this whole region. Granite and uranium often form under the same conditions. If you have a granite countertop, it is a bit above background radiation. Fortunately for all of us, it takes thousands of tons of raw uranium ore to make even a small amount of weapons grade uranium. And the process of refining it to that level, requiring things like thousands of gas centrifuges, takes an infrastructure available only to major nations or perhaps a few massive corporations.

I checked it with a counter to see how energetic the little particles are feeling today, and get a baseline.

I pulled one tiny piece off. And checked with a counter to make sure it was active, some of the rock in a sample often won’t actually contain uranium. Then I repeatedly weighed it and shaved bits off until it weighed exactly 1/10th of a gram and then Geigered it again to make sure I’d not shaved off the active parts.

The uranium ore was then ground in a mortar and pestle down to a very fine powder and then checked again with a counter.

I took some of the required distilled water, at a temperature of about 50f (Hahnemann said below 70f is best), and ran it through a light spectrometer to get a baseline. And the same with putting a Geiger on it.

Then I put distilled water into two glasses of the same size, which had been themselves boiled in distilled water per Hahnemann's standards. Putting the powdered ore into one glass, it is time to start the Potentization process. Which is a series of dilutions and agitations done in a specific way.

So I take the glass and cover the top, and vigorously shaking it and slamming it down against the top of a book for a few moments. . . Hahnemann specified the use of a leather bound Bible for this. I’m sure it’s not what is done now, but I want to stick with his recommended procedure. This is called ‘succussion’.

Than I take a drop from the one I just succussed and put it into the other glass, and succuss that glass. I now have created a potency of 1x, a ratio of 1:10. Replacing the water in the other glass with fresh distilled water that is the right temperature, then I do the same. Now it is at a potency of 2x, a ratio of 1:100. Just three times succussed give a potency of 6x, a ratio of 1:10−6 (Isn’t exponential growth crazy?) I then did the same thing two hundred times more . . . . as you can imagine I have an amazing and wild nightlife!

The X and C scales are different ways of describing the same dilutions, Hahnemann himself used the C scale. So I had now taken it to 400x/200c, a potency used sometimes by professional Homeopaths. It is the same dilution as the flu preparation Oscillococcinum On the way there I also took samples at 12x and at 60x. The whole process of new water each cycle, eyedropper transfer, succussing and repeat, 200 times? Part of my brain went into a coma. There are preparations where they go up to 1000c/2000x, but there was no way I was going there!

I transferred the finished preparation into vials. -- Doesn’t the laser add drama!?

The different potencies are in three vials and there is a fourth with plain distilled water as a control. I have them labeled A-C, instead of the potency, because I am using my convoluted “self-blinding experiment method”. Involving various markings and mixing up the components. The whole system may well not work, my subconscious might be able to work it out, but I do think I am fooling myself - and regardless, I feel very clever having come up with it.

The goal is that when testing each preparation I don’t know which one I am testing, so I don’t subtly steer the results consciously or unconsciously.

I ran each vial through light spectrometer analysis three times, then the same with three different kinds of Geiger counters on each sample. Then I took thermal scans, which was kind of silly, no reason for a real variable there, but you know . . . a boy and toys.

Now I have all the results, and have just finished associating each samples results with what potency it is. I believe it was a pretty honest double blind experiment, or as close as possible done by oneself.

Organizing and then trying to interpret the results is next, hopefully in the next day or two. Then on to human experimentation! ;-)

I am working on names, any ideas are welcome. Uranissium? Oxido Uraniside? (Uranium oxide) Urarnica, no - too easy.