Fox Hunting

Fox Hunting in Sally Fashion…  

No greater thrill can be given to a person that loves fox hunting, on or off horseback, than to hear the Bull Run hounds cry. 

Bull Run Hunt Club was established in 1911 and recognized by the MFHA in 1954. Bull Run hunts a mixed pack of fine hounds that offer good sport in all kinds of conditions. The territory varies widely, from flat cropland to rolling pasture land to mountains. Fixtures are located in Culpeper, Madison, Orange, and Spotsylvania counties.

The members enjoy a relaxed attitude, but tradition is still maintained.

Please contact us at 540-229-9118 if you'd like to join us hunting in Sally fashion!

On hunt day find Sally taking her “crew” to enjoy her favorite sport.  Time stops, no phones, no problems at the office.

Fox Hunting Junior Day
Fox Hunting Junior Day
Fox Hunting
Fox Hunting Junior Day

17110 James Madison Highway Gordonsville, Virginia 22942