
The New Zealand Healthcare Chaplains’ Association is a professional organisation of chaplains, chaplaincy assistants - as well as other individuals interested in the work of the Association - who are involved in providing pastoral care to people in the healthcare system. This covers public and private healthcare organisations and some community mental health organisations.

The Association, like most other healthcare organisations, is committed to high standards of care and accountability. This commitment is seen in a large measure through the importance that is placed on professional development – accreditation being a tangible achievement of the chaplain’s commitment to personal and professional growth.

Registration should be seen and experienced as a journey over three years. There will be material required at various steps along the way, including reports from supervisors, peers, employing body, faith community and healthcare organisations and a meeting with regional colleagues. The final step will be the meeting with the Registration Panel. A process of re-registration every two years has been developed.

When a person enters the healthcare system there will be two different ways of obtaining the registration material and beginning the registration journey. To receive a copy of the Registration Manual contact the administrator of the Registration Committee .

NZHCA Registration Manual August 2021.pdf