Code of Ethics

The New Zealand Healthcare Chaplains’ Association [NZHCA] is the professional association for chaplains and chaplaincy assistants working within New Zealand public and private healthcare facilities.

In becoming a member of NZHCA one affirms the Mission and Values of the Association and a willingness to hold oneself accountable to the expectations of ethical behaviour described in this Code of Ethics, and the associated Code of Clinical Practice and Standards of Practice. Found here

This Code of Ethics is based on the Association’s Values as follows:

Respect for the Dignity and Worth of all Persons

At all times NZHCA members will show by their words and actions respect for the dignity and worth of all persons; recognising the value of each individual; and acting at all times with integrity towards God, self and others.


NZHCA members will respond compassionately to all persons in need, with particular attention to spiritual needs, and act in ways that will right injustices and restore right relationships, wherever possible.


NZHCA members recognise chaplaincy as a sacred work of willing service involving obedience and accountability to God and others. Self-development and self-care are priorities to equip oneself for service for others.


NZHCA members work for the good of others to strengthen and empower individuals and where appropriate to provide comfort and consolation.


NZHCA members strive to maintain positive working relationships within chaplaincy teams; participate actively within multidisciplinary clinical teams; and maintain collegial relationships with one’s denominational peers