Objects of the Association

The objects of the Association shall be:

(i) to develop and maintain a professional association of Healthcare chaplains and chaplaincy assistants with the primary object to support its members in provision of religious services to hospital and healthcare facility patients, accepting Te Tiriti O Waitangi, the Treaty of Waitangi, as a founding document of our nation, laying down a principle of partnership with Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti, encouraging Maori participation at all levels of our activities,

(ii) to establish and maintain Standards of Practice for Healthcare and a Code of Ethics as a safeguard to hospital and healthcare facility patients.

(iii) to pursue the safety of hospital and healthcare patients by facilitating the provision of registration of chaplains and chaplaincy assistants.

(iv) to encourage networking among chaplains and chaplaincy assistants so that best practice is used and best outcomes achieved for hospital and healthcare patients.

(v) to ensure that the district health boards, their management and staff, Ministry of Health, churches, the Inter-church Council for Hospital Chaplaincy Aotearoa New Zealand and other associated bodies are aware of the high standards expected of Association members in their provision of service to patients.

(vi) to encourage Association members to engage in ongoing research, training, study leave and research in specific areas of pastoral concern for the benefit of the hospital and healthcare patients.

(vii) to encourage research, evaluation, dissemination and publication of information, papers, dissertations, or theses by individuals and teams, that would promote the better provision of service to hospital and healthcare patients.

(viii) to enhance the standard of the provision of care to hospital and healthcare patients by Association members support the establishment in Aotearoa New Zealand, by co-operation with theological colleges and seminaries, hospitals, healthcare establishments and universities, of a post-graduate diploma in Clinical Pastoral Theology and Practice (to include studies in pastoral care, pastoral psychology, pastoral counselling and pastoral psychotherapy).