Northwest Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change Network 

The Northwest Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (NW RISCC) Network is a partnership of regional agencies and organizations dedicated to helping practitioners address the nexus of climate change and invasive species, including plants, animals, and pathogens. 


Summer 2024 Webinar Recording Available

Itadori Knotweed & Climate Resiliency 

On June 12, the Northwest RISCC joined the Northeast RISCC in hosting a webinar exploring the positive feedback loops that may develop between existing knotweed populations, sudden riverbank failure and increased flood-related damage in a changing climate. Visit our webinars page for more information and to view the recording!

Join us for a Webinar on Itadori Knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) and Climate Resiliency | June 12 at 9 a.m. PT

As some hydrological regimes shift towards more frequent and severe storm events in response to climate change, positive feedback loops may develop between existing knotweed populations, sudden riverbank failure and increased flood-related damage. Mindful action to control these plants is therefore a climate resiliency opportunity. 

The Northeast and Northwest RISCCs are co-hosting a webinar on Wednesday, June 12 at 9:00 a.m. PT, during which researcher Brian Colleran and manager Élisabeth Groenaeveld will share their perspectives on managing invasive knotweeds (primarily Itadori knotweed, Reynoutria japonica) in a changing climate and answer questions from the audience. 

Spring 2024 Webinar Recording Available

Invasive dune grasses, coastal services and habitat restoration in a changing climate

This team-up style webinar consisted of two presentations and explored the effects of invasive grasses, climate change, and their interactions, on coastal sand dune ecosystems. The talks spanned the latest research on ecosystem transformation and services, to management that supports resilient habitats for native species. 

Visit our webinars page for more information and to view the recording!

Winter 2023 Webinar Recording Available

Horticulture in a Changing Climate: Making Garden Decisions that Prevent Plant Invasions

On December 13th, we hosted a webinar that discussed how plant invasions from horticulture can be affected by a changing climate, and we will explored resources for gardening and landscaping with native plants in the Northwest region. 

View the recording on our webinars page!

2023 NW RISCC Invasive Species and Climate Change Virtual Symposium

concluded on September 8th!

Visit our 2023 symposium page for an event summary and presentation recordings!

Webinar Recording Available

Spreading Information Not Invasives: Amplifying Climate Change and First Foods Considerations in an Invasive Species Knowledge Sharing Hub

On June 22, 2023, the NW RISCC and Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC) hosted a webinar focused on the interactions between climate change, first foods, and invasive species. It also included information about how to access and use the OISC Invasive Species Digital Information Hub. 

View the recording on our webinars page.

Webinar Recording Available

On the Horizon: Managing the Invasion of Emerald Ash Borer in the Pacific Northwest

On November 3rd we offered a team-up style webinar to showcase lessons learned from the emerald ash borer invasion of North America and facilitated a discussion on proactive management opportunities for practitioners in the Northwest. The presentation and conversation is now available at this link and on our Resources page.

New management brief on the recently detected Emerald Ash Borer, now available on our Resources Page.


Ash Across the West Fall 2022 Newsletter 

The first efforts in genetic conservation of western species of ash (and notably Oregon ash, Fraxinus latifolia) have begun, in anticipation of emerald ash borer invasion.  Contact Richard Sniezko at richard.sniezko[at] to join the mailing list or get involved.


For more webinars and symposium presentations, check out our YouTube page!

Interested in signing up for our listserv? 

Title image credit: Roger T. George/Burke Herbarium Image Collection