Non-Northwest RISCC Featured Events

Upcoming Events

International Invasive Species and Climate Change Symposium (January 30th and 31st, 2024)

Please join us for the INAUGURAL International Invasive Species and Climate Change Conference (IISCCC) organized by the Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (RISCC) Management Network on January 30 and 31, 2024. This conference is VIRTUAL allowing for more international attendance while reducing our carbon footprint.

Registration: FREE

Past Events


Pulling Together to Prevent and Stop Noxious Weeds in Washington Webinar (November 29, 2023)

This webinar is hosted by the Washington Invasive Species Council. It will provide information about noxious weed identification and management in Washington. Attendees may be eligible for 3 pesticide recertification credits. 

Use Pesticidas Con Seguridad / Use Pesticides Safely Webinar (30 de Noviembre/November 30, 2023)

Taller en español y gratuito para aplicadores de pesticidas. Participantes con licencia de pesticidas del estado de Washington u Oregon podrán recibir hasta 3 créditos de recertificación. 

Free workshop for Spanish-speaking pesticide users. Attendees with a WSDA or ODA pesticide license can earn up to 3 pesticide recertification credits.

Hosted by the Washington Invasive Species Council in partnership with King County Noxious Weeds, Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board, and Washington State Department of Agriculture. 

North Central RISCC Ecological Transformation Workshop Series (1st workshop December 7, 2023)

The first workshop will be held virtually. Workshop participants will explore ecological transformation concepts and identify areas experiencing ecological transformation. Researchers and managers working on invasive species, climate change, fire, biodiversity, and carbon storage, are especially encouraged to attend. Registration applications are due on October 31, 2023.

Native American Fish and Wildlife Society (NAFWS) Pacific Regional Conference (October 16-19 2023)

NAFWS is currently looking for talks from invasive species managers, and especially tribal managers! The deadline to submit an abstract is September 22. Submit abstracts here

2023 Urban Forest Pest Virtual Summit (October 16&17 2023)

This event is co-hosted by the Washington Invasive Species Council and the Washington Department of Natural Resources. ISA CEUs will be available. 

North Central RISCC Spring 2023 Webinar Series (April 7, May 5, June 2, 2023)

This virtual webinar series aims to 1) introduce the community to different decision support tools, existing and new, to manage invasive species in a changing climate and 2) gather community input to inform development of new tools. There will be three webinars held via zoom at the same time for three consecutive months. There will be a webinar highlighting INHABIT (4/7), EDDMapS (5/5), and NEDRRIS, - a new tool (6/2). More information and the link to register can be found here.


Northeast RISCC's Identifying Invasive Sleeper Species in the Northeast Coffee Talk (September 13th, 2022)

What is a sleeper species? Join NE RISCC to learn which plants may cause future ecological and socioeconomic harm in the Northeast (CT, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT). In its upcoming coffee talk, NE RISCC will dive into its latest Management Challenge, Are you Sleeping? Are you Sleeping? Predicting Invasion Potential of Non-Native Plants.  The talk will present the list of priority sleeper species, describe the criteria chosen to identify them, answer any questions you may bring to the table, and suggest next steps for planning ahead. Register here.

Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance  Species 2022 Annual Meeting (September 21-23rd, 2022)

The WRP will hold its 2022 Annual Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. Register here.

Northeast RISCC Management Virtual Speed Networking Event (September 28th, 2022)

Are you hoping to collaborate on a project? Looking to apply for funding or have a grant opportunity to share? NE RISCC is excited to provide a virtual space for researchers and practitioners to connect in a speed networking format. This Zoom event will aim to match you with potential collaborators in the form of mini informational interviews and breakout room discussions. Whether you’re new or seasoned in the field of invasive species and climate change management, join the NE RISCC Network for a speed networking event at 11 am Eastern on September 28th.

The Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver (ISCMV) 2022 Fall Forum  (October 5th, 2022)

Connect with other invasive species practitioners in Metro Vancouver and hear presentations on local research: 

Registration is not open at this time. Please check the ISCMV website in early September. This event will be free and open to anyone interested.

Montana Invasive Species Council 2022 Summit (October 25-26, 2022)

North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) Annual Conference  (November 7-10th, 2022)

An annual conference connecting terrestrial and aquatic invasive species management, research, policy, and outreach initiatives and opportunities across North America.

The University of Washington's Program on Climate Change Spring Seminar Series (May 24th, 31st, 2022)

The University of Washington's Program on Climate Change presents its Spring 2022 Seminar Series "Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation."  On May 24th, Josh Lawler from the UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences will give the presentation Species Movements in a Changing Climate. On May 31st, Lauren Buckley from UW Biology will give the presentation Forecasting Ecological and Evolutionary Responses by Characterizing How Organisms Experience Climate Change.

Canada’s 1st National Invasive Species and Climate Change Symposium (June 7-8th, 2022)

Climate change directly relates to growing concerns of increased negative impacts from invasive species. Mitigating impacts, sequestering carbon, and taking action to protect critical habitats from invasive species is more important than ever. This event, co-hosted by the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia, will bring together policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to discuss this issue and begin to identify the next steps to address it.

ARCUS Arctic Research Seminar Series - Batten Down the Hatches: Community Science for Informed Response at the Arctic Invasion Fronts (May 11th, 2022)

The Arctic is undergoing large-scale accelerating changes including the introduction and expansion of invasive species. We are in a unique position to prevent new introductions and spread of existing invaders by adopting policies and actions aimed at prevention, early detection, and rapid response to minimize impacts on ecosystems, communities, food security, and northern economies. But resource managers often face decisions without having adequate data and resources at hand. Community science presents one way to fill knowledge gaps and inform decisions. This presentation will showcase examples related to freshwater aquatic invasive species management in Alaska aimed at understanding the long-distance pathways, human-induced spread, and informing agency prioritization with applied economics. Implications for Arctic conservation policy and future research needs will be discussed.

Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference  (April 26-28th, 2022)

NW RISCC will have an exhibit to raise awareness of our work in the Pudget Sound Region.  The Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference brings together scientists, knowledge holders, First Nations and tribal government representatives, resource managers, community and business leaders, and policy makers to share science and stories of the Salish Sea. It is the premier scientific research and policy gathering in the Pacific Northwest. The presentations and discussions that occur at the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference are a platform to build shared policies and practices to guide future actions for protecting and restoring the Salish Sea and its watersheds. The outcomes are improved scientific collaboration, data sharing and dynamic discussions on the state of the Salish Sea ecosystem, and collaborative action. The Conference is administered by Western Washington University’s Salish Sea Institute.

A Biocultural Approach to Integrating Indigenous Knowledge with Western Science for Invasive Species Management & Policy  (April 20th, 2022)

Presented by: Paulette M. Fox, MSc. Environmental Science; President, Harmony Walkers Inc. Register here.

Embracing the Future: Promoting Adaptation and Resilience to Invasive Species and Climate Change (April 8th, 2022)

The NE RISCC network recently produced the document Embracing the Future: Promoting adaptation and resilience to invasive species and climate change. We and are planning a one hour coffee talk to discuss a resistance-resilience-transformation approach this approach to addressing effects of climate change on invasive species. Come share how you are addressing and/or researching resilience and adaptation with compounding effects of invasive species and climate change.  Register here.

North Central Regional Invasive Species & Climate Change (RISCC) Spring 2022 Science Integration Workshop  (April 6-7th, 2022)

NC RISCC will be hosting their first Science Integration Workshop on April 6-7 2022, at 9:00-12:00 Mountain Time. You can find the agenda for the event here and register here.  

Yukon Invasive Species, Climate Change & Tourism (March 29th, 2022)

The Invasive Species Council of BC invites you to explore the risks and impacts of invasive species in the Yukon, and the key pathways through which they can enter and establish in the territory, specifically in aquatic habitats. As the climate begins to change, more invasive species are finding their way into our remote and pristine northern regions. 

North American Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) (February 28-March 4th, 2022)

NISAW is an international event to raise awareness about invasive species, the threat that they pose, and what can be done to prevent their spread. NISAW is powered by The North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA), which supports local, state, and regional organizations.

5th Annual Regional Invasive Species & Climate Change (RISCC) Management Symposium  (January 19-20th, 2022)

Join us January 19th and 20th, 2022 for two half days at the 5th annual symposium of the Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (RISCC) Management network, bringing together natural resource managers, scientists, and the invasive species community to discuss challenges and solutions to incorporating climate change into invasive species management.


Innovations in Invasive Species Management Conference and Training  (November 30th - December 1st, 2021)

The conference hosts people from throughout the US and World looking for new techniques and inspiration from successes to manage a wide range of invasive species. 

Interior’s Office of Policy Analysis Seminar: Wildland Fire and Invasive Species  (November 8th, 2021)

The magnitude of recent fire seasons has heightened awareness of the Nation’s wildfire crisis. In many areas throughout the U.S., the spread of invasive plants has contributed to an increase in the size, frequency, and severity of wildfires. This panel will highlight the intertwined dynamics of wildland fire and invasive species, with experts addressing the underlying science and ecology, as well as agency perspectives and management strategies from the invasive species and wildland fire communities. This will also include looking at the different stages of the wildfire and invasive species management cycles: proactive pre-fire planning and fuels treatment, wildfire response, and post-fire stabilization and restoration.  The panel will conclude with a discussion on integrating efforts at different scales as well as on potential opportunities for future collaboration across the invasive species and wildland fire management communities. 

Invasives 2021 - Invasive Species Council of British Columbia's Virtual Forum & AGM  (February 9-11th, 2021)

The INVASIVES Annual Forum & AGM is an exciting opportunity for non-profit organizations, government staff, Indigenous leaders, industry, stewardship groups, academics and more from across the Pacific Northwest region and beyond, to network and share their knowledge and expertise about invasive species. The INVASIVES 2021 Forum incorporated a variety of workshops, keynote presentations, plenary and speedy sessions along with plenty of opportunities for networking throughout the event. The first day of the Forum included a plenary session on how climate change relates to invasive species, including their range and their impacts.

When Climate Change and Invasive Species Intersect - The Pacific Drought Knowledge Exchange: What Co-production can Look Like  (May 6th, 2021)

Drought on our landscapes can influence future vegetation cover, non-native species invasions, watershed function, and fire behavior. Therefore, the Pacific Drought Knowledge Exchange Project (PDKE) project seeks to address the critical need for scientists to produce locally relevant, timely, accessible, and actionable science products that managers can use to adapt to potentially drier and hotter climates. So, the PDKE was formed with PI-CASC funding to co-produce drought data and products with project partners, like the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park.